Drudkh - Blood In Our Wells

Ellestin said:
It's the fastest collective jerk-off I've ever witnessed on the board for sure.

I wouldn't go that far, some of the "kicks my dick in" threads had just as many people lining up to soil their pants, but it is giving me a flashback to when you couldn't read a thread here without someone heaping praise on Autumn Aurora...
I was reading NAD's Autumn Aurora review thread today and it struck me that he completely nailed the review and described the album as well as i've ever seen it described!

I miss NAD, he needs to post more! :cry:
Blood in our Wells should be well received by those that think FL is the best Drudkh release. Long drawn out repetitive passages, but sticking to a good 8 minute length (which is pretty manageable).

It basically bridges FL to AA imo. On one listen, this is really, really good -- the solos are outstanding, and most importantly for me, the drumming is back on top form.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the production is good again. I dunno what happened on that Swan Road homemade production shoebox and a string kit.
i can't see the FL->AA bridge at all

it's more like a logical progression from AA (with swan road being some sort of weird sidestep into astrofaes land) in that it moves even further from FL and adds a lot of variety and more acoustics/folk bits
wow... i need to check this out... i've been slacking. That said, if it rules my bought, I'll order 2 and send you one demilich :p (in exchange for paying me back later or something)
@Erik: Haha, I was actually watching the clock waiting for your "I don't know what you're talking about" usual diatribe.

So to me, like I said, it's the bridge between FL and AA. It's noticeably slower, it's actually very cinematic to be perfectly honest -- especially "Ukranian Insurgent Army" -- and it's got the repetitive vibe to it that FL had in abundance + spades. AA was significantly more dynamic in its song structures and drum pattern changes.
AA was signifiacntly more dynamic in its song structures and drum pattern changes.
i think this new one actually ups the changes and dynamics around a lot compared to autumn aurora so yeah i have no idea what you're on about tbh

i mean drudkh always has a certain degree of "repetition" but this is not forgotten legends with like three songs of ungodly lengths and three distorted riffs all in the same style
OK I've only listened to it once so maybe I'm off the money (I'd imagine so with only one listen) but for sure I got that "cinematic" feel to it. Tough to describe. I hate to use the word 'EPIC' but fuck....it is pretty f'ing epic, no?
it's epic as fuck

i'm not going to decide because it's too early but this might be the best drudkh yet, i think it probably tops at least autumn aurora already imo
Way too early for me. I don't even have the CD in my hands yet, but it is without doubt something extraordinary. Something else about it that sticks out on one listen -- it feels quite mature, like they've established exactly what they set out to achieve. Everything in its right place and all that. The only thing that might let it down in the long run is its running length. The fact that AA was only 30 minutes long worked in its favoUr imo.
Ellestin said:
It's the fastest collective jerk-off I've ever witnessed on the board for sure.
Then I guess you missed the thread about Gojira's "From Mars to Sirius". I believed that started with a collective jerk off session and then morphed into something that was some amalgamation of Caligula meets Brokeback Mountain.

I agree with Erik. I've probably listened to this 15 or 20 times already, and it is definitely a progression from AA and further from FL. Blood truly shows a band that is getting better and better at what they do. It is epic, moving, and even beautiful. The album flows from acoustic segments to trance-like passages to cold black metal like it's the easiest thing ever done. AA had a few points where this type of mastery wasn't quite there.

Anyway . . .