Drumkit From Hell Superior test song


Jan 31, 2006
I'm trying to get a big organic sounding kit from DFHS and need some opinions on how this sounds. Nothing special on the beats, just testing for tone. How does it sound? Recorded/programmed in Cubase SX3 and with the PODxt. The intro is in lo-fi.

Its the one titled 'work in progress'


I just put up a remixed version with better (hopefully) guitars.

Here's the Cubase 3 project file with midi, and guitars and bass mixed down to a single stereo file. I used Waves EQ, Waves C1 compressor, Waves L1 limiter, Waves reverb, PSP Mix Saturator, Voxengo Marquis compressor and the Voxengo Elephant limiter. There's also a freeware exiter I used on the snare that I threw into the link if you don't have it.

Wow, thanks CJ. I was A/B-ing the Deftones while mixing the drums. I've always been amazed by their drum sounds.
That first bassline is mine! You nicked it! ;)
Sounds great man! I love the snare. way too much verb for the music I usually listen to, but it fits this style perfect!
Sounds pretty good to me, not liking the guitar tone on the chugs (just opinion they sound good but not the tone I generally like) but sounds fantastic especially the drums.

Yeah, the guitar sound is definitely not up to snuff. I'll rework them later.
Very cool dude!!! Nice work!

I'm really liking your drum tones for sure?? Any info on the processing you did???

Thanks! The trick with DFHS is to load 4 different DFHS instances in your VST instruments folder. The whole point behind this is so you can have overhead and ambient mics for each piece of the kit for more control. That way you can boost the room sound of the kick, snare and toms seperately without the cymbals getting louder too. On a conventional one instance setup with DHFS, when you highpass your overhead mics for cymbals you lose all the balls in the room kick sound.

On the first DHFS VST instument I load only the Premiere kick drum. On the 2nd I load only the Pearl 2 snare. On the 3rd I load the sonar toms and on the 4th I load all the crashes and hats. Lots of tracks to mix but you have TOTAL control. Limit the crap out of the kick and snare ambient mics and you'll instantly have a huge sound.

Here's a couple screenshots of the Close mic and ambient mics on the kick only.
On the C1 close kick compressor, each kick hit should give about -10dbs gain reduction. The L1 limiter on the kick should give about -5dbs gain reduction of each hit.

Splat....that's an interest technique with DFHS. I must have a look at that. I'm currently dicking around with splitting the kit with different VSTi's controlling different parts of the kit, but will also try your method out.
Hey Splat, great work as usual...

I would appreciate it if you could clue me in as to how you're getting that Pearl 2 snare to sound that good...

Screenshots would be great but, even just a quick rundown of the plugs in order, relative levels and verbs you used would be much appreciated...

I set it up the way you described and I tried, in vain, for quite a while last night to get it nailed with no luck...The kick is killer...

Here's the Cubase 3 project file with midi, and guitars and bass mixed down to a single stereo file. I used Waves EQ, Waves C1 compressor, Waves L1 limiter, Waves reverb, PSP Mix Saturator, Voxengo Marquis compressor and the Voxengo Elephant limiter. There's also a freeware exiter I used on the snare that I threw into the link if you don't have it.
