Drumkit From Hell Superior test song

Amazing sounding stuff - I'd never have guessed the drums weren't real. Absolutely cracking bass tone - any tips for getting a tone similar?

Its just a PODxt with the bass pack loaded in it. Its the Rock classic head into the 8x10 cab with the 112 dynamic mic. The bass overdrive stomp box is also loaded in the patch. I'll upload the patch when I get home.

I think my bass might have something to do with the tone, but I can assure you my bass probably sounds worse than anyone elses here. Its a Fender P-Bass from the 70s with the original pickup and it is horrible. Without the overdrive its sounds like the bass in an excellent porno from 1977. But.......perhaps that's what's giving the bass the 'stinky' quality.

Oh yeah, I also curve eq the bass after the fact, and run an L1 limiter and gain reduce by like 10dbs or until the dynamics are completely gone. The bass peak meter never fluctuates.

Im trying out that way of working right now... i am missing some plugins it seems, since it loaded everything up dry, but the total contrl as you explained Splatt, is amazing... much more control indeed!

Cheers for the project file once more, this is most interesting...

Im trying out that way of working right now... i am missing some plugins it seems, since it loaded everything up dry, but the total contrl as you explained Splatt, is amazing... much more control indeed!

Cheers for the project file once more, this is most interesting...

Don't you have Waves plugins? I can't remember if I used Waves direct-x or Waves VST. I know that sometime one or the other won't load if you don't have both. The instrument tracks only have waves eq, c1 compressor and either an L1 or a PSP mix saturator.
The exciter plug is looking for a file named exciter.dat...

Hate to be a pain...but...heh...Could you upload it or just tell me who made the plug and I'll google it myself...
Hey Splat, very great sound!
If I have understood correctly, in the first istance you select only (all the mic) the first row and deselect all the other things, in the second istance you select only the second (and maybe the third) row...ecc.. is it correct?
It's a great result...but if you track a real drum you can't have this kind of control (room and OH for every instrument) :p
Hey Splat, very great sound!
If I have understood correctly, in the first istance you select only (all the mic) the first row and deselect all the other things, in the second istance you select only the second (and maybe the third) row...ecc.. is it correct?
It's a great result...but if you track a real drum you can't have this kind of control (room and OH for every instrument) :p

Yeah, on the 1rst DFHS VST, there's only kick. 2nd VST there's only snare, 3rd VST only toms, 4th VST only hats and crashes.

You can use this technique in real life if you ruin the drummer's life and make him play the kick, snare and toms in one take and the cymbals in another take. I think LOG did that on their last album to improve isolation. I've tried it before and its not easy. That way you can crank the room drum sounds and not have the cymbals increase in volume. I think Phil Collins did this too, no?
Incredible sound. Some of the best drum programming I've ever heard! You've inspired me to experiment with your method (splitting up the tracks). Cool thread.
Oh yeah... Splatt, there was a topic floating around on the plugin tapestop, and how to use it properly... obviously, you have got it to work for ya.. so im wondering how you did that? since all i can do is fiddle around with it in real time, but i have not found out how to use it properly on a recording...

cheers again!
Oh yeah... Splatt, there was a topic floating around on the plugin tapestop, and how to use it properly... obviously, you have got it to work for ya.. so im wondering how you did that? since all i can do is fiddle around with it in real time, but i have not found out how to use it properly on a recording...

cheers again!

Trying to automate that plugin is a real pain in the ass. I applied the effect in the mastering stage. I split the master track into 2 tracks... the intro and the main body of the song. On the intro track I put the tapestop plugin as an insert and hit the 'down' selector button. Through trial and error I adjusted the bar that controls the slow down speed until it was right. Then I hit the Read and Write automation controls, hit play on the sequencer, hit play on the tapestop BEFORE the music starts, then hit stop at the moment I want the effect to take place. The automation has a mind of its own though, so you'll have to go through and fix it with a pencil manually.
thanks for the project man

i'll have something to learn from this idea - sounds great like deftones
Splat, do you set the levels you want for every mic into the "main" window of DFHS or you set the level of the bounced tracks in cubase?
There is a big ammount of tracks in your daw with this procedure: there are 6 tracks for kick, 6 for snare ecc...
Amazing sound & amazing thread!! Thanx for sharing all this stuff! I'm wondering what the path is to you plugins cause I got some of the plugs but when loading the project Cubase can't seem to find them. I wonder if it's because I'm using the Denmark version of windows so my plugins are in C:\Programmer\Steinberg\vstplugins... Hmmm. Anyway - Great stuff man!
got one question...
what eq and comp was on bass/guitar before their mixdown?
Sorry for the possible noob question, but if I were to isolate the DFHS instances, could I just copy and paste the same, complete midi-map to all 4 channels and have them only play the parts they are keyed in for? Thanks!
Splat, do you set the levels you want for every mic into the "main" window of DFHS or you set the level of the bounced tracks in cubase?
There is a big ammount of tracks in your daw with this procedure: there are 6 tracks for kick, 6 for snare ecc...

I set all the levels for the drums in the Cubae mixer. However, I do control the volume of individual cymbals in the Superior mixer. The ride always needs to be turned up in relation to the cymbals and the hats need to be turned down.

When you load 4 DFHS VSTs, there's a million tracks to manage so I 'hide' any tracks not being used and that makes things much easier. There's 3 channels for the kick, 3 for snare, 3 for cymbals...etc (Close mic, OH mic, and AMB mics)