
Summoning has the most fitting drums (real or drum machine) I can ever recall hearing, including Lugburz.
Goratory - Rice On Suede
Anything by Origin
Anything by Nile
Anything by Hate Eternal
plus heaps of the others that people have already said.
Revenge, Conqueror and in particular Axis of Advance. J. read (who drums/drummed for all of these) has one of the ugliest and coolest drumming styles I've heard. He essentially just blasts forever, never rolls the double kick - possibly because he can't - and repeats variations of the same fucking awesome fill over and over. Don't let the messiness fool you though, he is fucking tight and skilled in a weird way. I love it.
500_Channels said:
Devourment - 1.3.8 is an awesome album..

Absulutely, and the drumming plays a major part.

Also check out Chad Walls' drumming on:

Brodequin - Festival of Death
Brodequin - Instruments of Torture
The new Nile album Annihilation of the Wicked has the best drumming on a metal album I have ever heard in my life period. The speed, the precision, the kickass fills, its all perfect.
Most jazz drummers are better than metal drummers though, because they have the chops to play a blast beat if they really wanted to, but they dont. Plus they can do more different timed stuff and more rythym based stuff.
Yeah, but jazz is FUCKING ANNOYING, though...

Seriously, not to be a jerk or anything, but I can't figure how people listen to that crap. It makes me want to punch people...
"Most jazz drummers are better than metal drummers though, because they have the chops to play a blast beat if they really wanted to, but they dont. Plus they can do more different timed stuff and more rythym based stuff."

The better drummers are those that have experience in both. A jazz background for odd rhythms and time changes, and a metal background for speed and stamina. And even though double-bass is simple in concept, it's difficult to execute with precision and stamina.

Death's Human and Gorguts Obscura are excellent examples of drummers who have experiece in both and apply it to metal albums.