nephillim might be on the spazmosity split..
i'll fix that spelling today sorry - i really try to copy and paste it when i can
maybe adina would like making this a 3 way split (with these great russian bm bands here)
Ya, I think I was just throwing out an idea.. but it sounds like you guys have plenty of material. Maybe a Spazmosity/Nephillim split and C! on another split or something...
Ok, now I have conception for Nar Mattaru's part of split (because it was f...n' hard to invent something for their part of split with their title ).
I try to release it in next few days. Concerning to Dryados we have already finished cover, so I'll just change it a little (because it was used in self-released promo ).
Jeremy, what you think about booklet in the form of double page (I hope you understand my terrible explanation )