DT vs Opeth.

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I dont think you can realy compare these two bands. Yes they are both 'metal' bands, but they each have their own objectives and views.

I love DT and I think they are really the only good Gothenburg band left, the rest have either disappeared, or now do more commercialized music, and if I wanted that, I'd watch MTV.

I love Opeth as well, but they do metal differently. I can agree that when I first heard Opeth, I got bored with the long songs (Blackwater Park was my first album) and after a while I gave up and put the CD aside...probably for The Gallery...I did eventually give it another shot, and I realized they do progressive metal VERY well. I think a reason you find it to be unorganzied, is because there is no solid song structure, no chorus, they just keep playing. IMO that's what makes them great, I love their concept albums (My Arms, Your Hearse, Still Life), they tell great stories along with great music.

Their two different bands and they kick a lot of ass in two different ways. Neither is better than the other (it actually saddens me to see DT opening and Devil Driver as main support...seriously, WTF is that?), I think it deppends what mood your in as which suites you better for that day.
Cuthalion said:
thise whole thread is pointless, it's like fighting over who is stronger Batman or Plasticman and i'm really surprised that threads like this get so many posts:err:
I vote for Batman. I don't know Plasticman.
UndoControl said:
The only difference is that i've never posted on Opeth's board (unless i've posted in some non-Opeth-related thread which was there, in which case i never even mentioned DT).

thats not the point. if you dont say DT KICK ASS YEAH YEAH AND NOTHINGS BETTER TANT DT 1111!!! then you should say whatever you feel about whatever band you like. its not like i just come here, i usually visit the vintersorg,borknagar, winds (now at the end forums), and they have no problem with the fact that i like opeth. just wondering why it only happens here that people care so much.
rammpeth said:
its not like i just come here, i usually visit the vintersorg,borknagar, winds (now at the end forums), and they have no problem with the fact that i like opeth. just wondering why it only happens here that people care so much.

I agree . I'm Opethian but I post here sometimes and NEVER mention Opeth ... I just like some of the people in here . I come to talk to them , not to cram my favorite band down everyone's throats . But since this thread is here I'll voice my opinion on the subject : I choose Opeth . They are , quite simply , the ONLY band that can always make me feel better after a long shitty day at work . They have a special place in my heart .

I don't care how sappy that sounds - it's just how I feel . I like DT too , but Opeth is my absolute favorite . So there's my opinion .
Siren said:
I vote for Batman. I don't know Plasticman.

no, you don't get it. this thread is actually to stimulate people to create more metaphors where opeth are something and dt are something else. it helps broaden everyone's english vocabulary and practice their rethoric skills. only once 1000 users have said that comparing is wrong and things that are not identical are, in fact, different, will we be able to put this thread to rest.

so do your part and come up with something. a belly-button and an earlobe. a viola and a kazoo. a chihuahua and a mastiff. a sad-looking emo girl sitting by the side of the road holding a blunt razor to her left wrist and a jehova witness ringing your doorbell with a bunch of magazines in his right hand. your imagination is the limit!
Alright then : Opeth is like ice cream and DT is like pizza - two very different foods ... but I get cravings for them both sometimes :tickled:

How was that ?
Hitori said:
being too lazy to read long posts properly and yet commenting on them anyway is laughable

but here's a summary for you: he's not comparing the bands per se, just using those bands as an excuse to say he finds long Opeth songs lack cohesion and variety

whether or not he's right is debatable, but a debate should have arguments and i suggest you work on those

^she said it.
rahvin said:
you have potential. :p

you also just made me want to get pizza.

I'm sure I could come up with some more - but they'd all be food-related because I'm obsessed with food today :p

PS : I just had pizza and it was nummy :grin:
Come on guys, get real. I think most of you know that Opeth is light years ahead of Dark Tranquility, or any other band, for that matter.

I love Dark Tranquility. They have a more "straight-forward" Death Metal perspective that I enjoy. They are definitely better than most. But let's not jump the gun and say they "pwn" Opeth, because that is just fucking ridiculous. We all know there isn't a band out there that sounds like Opeth; their originality is one of the vast array of talents they have. I can go on and on and on. I'd never foul mouth Dark Tranquility. I think they're sweet, and they're even touring with Opeth, but I think we should be realistic.

You can say you like DT more than Opeth, that's cool, but to say they're better, or more talented, is simply ridiculous. I think even the biggest DT fans feel the same way deep down. This is fucking Opeth we're talking about. Opeth.
Predator's Portrait said:
But let's not jump the gun and say they "pwn" Opeth
They pwn Opeth.

Predator's Portrait said:
the vast array of talents they have.
That was priceless.

Predator's Portrait said:
I'd never foul mouth Dark Tranquility. I think they're sweet
Oh yes they are. Sweet like honey. They will even give you hugs!

Predator's Portrait said:
and they're even touring with Opeth
I'm sure that's their best quality yet.
TheFourthHorseman said:
I hope that's a sarcastic post, meant to infuriate stupids like me who don't see the joke.
If not, aargh.

Well, I think it's pretty ridiculous that people argue over who is better. Like it matters? Dark Tranquility is an excellent band - among the best. Do they have to be better than Opeth? It seems to be some sort of obsession with people... and it's always Opeth they want DT to top... is that a coincidence? Hardly. People know Opeth is the best thing since sliced bread, and as hard as they try to promote their favourite bands over Opeth, they fail miserably. Dark Tranquility doesn't have to be better than Opeth. Those who conjure up the image, or the argument, that Dark Tranquility is better than Opeth is really getting nowhere. Is Dark Tranquility, in any way, similar to Opeth? No. They are fucking great, and they're fucking great independent of any influence from Opeth. Get my point?

We all know Opeth is the face of musical superiority. Let's just accept it. It just is. Opeth is better than Dark Tranquility because Opeth is Opeth. Opeth is the greatest band, past or present, because Opeth is Opeth. That's a little philosophy for you. Think about it.

I can go for some Character right now... right after Deliverance. See how beautiful that is? I represent both camps. Let's respect the bands who know how to make Death Metal. And that includes, but is not exclusive to, Opeth and Dark Tranquility.
Predator's Portrait said:
Well, I think it's pretty ridiculous that people argue over who is better. Like it matters? Dark Tranquility is an excellent band - among the best. Do they have to be better than Opeth? It seems to be some sort of obsession with people... and it's always Opeth they want DT to top... is that a coincidence? Hardly. People know Opeth is the best thing since sliced bread, and as hard as they try to promote their favourite bands over Opeth, they fail miserably. Dark Tranquility doesn't have to be better than Opeth. Those who conjure up the image, or the argument, that Dark Tranquility is better than Opeth is really getting nowhere. Is Dark Tranquility, in any way, similar to Opeth? No. They are fucking great, and they're fucking great independent of any influence from Opeth. Get my point?

We all know Opeth is the face of musical superiority. Let's just accept it. It just is. Opeth is better than Dark Tranquility because Opeth is Opeth. Opeth is the greatest band, past or present, because Opeth is Opeth. That's a little philosophy for you. Think about it.

I can go for some Character right now... right after Deliverance. See how beautiful that is? I represent both camps. Let's respect the bands who know how to make Death Metal. And that includes, but is not exclusive to, Opeth and Dark Tranquility.

:worship: Right on. Great fucking post. Their both amazing bands, I have tons of respect for both bands. C'mon, DT is more melodic death, you guys should compare your DT to In Flames. :P

Dark Tranquillity is great. The Gallery, Minds I, Projector......their one of my very first bands, and they got me into the amazing world of metal.

Right after MorningRise, I'm going for some Projector.
Predator's Portrait said:
Well, I think it's pretty ridiculous that people argue over who is better. Like it matters? Dark Tranquility is an excellent band - among the best. Do they have to be better than Opeth? It seems to be some sort of obsession with people... and it's always Opeth they want DT to top... is that a coincidence? Hardly. People know Opeth is the best thing since sliced bread, and as hard as they try to promote their favourite bands over Opeth, they fail miserably. Dark Tranquility doesn't have to be better than Opeth. Those who conjure up the image, or the argument, that Dark Tranquility is better than Opeth is really getting nowhere. Is Dark Tranquility, in any way, similar to Opeth? No. They are fucking great, and they're fucking great independent of any influence from Opeth. Get my point?

We all know Opeth is the face of musical superiority. Let's just accept it. It just is. Opeth is better than Dark Tranquility because Opeth is Opeth. Opeth is the greatest band, past or present, because Opeth is Opeth. That's a little philosophy for you. Think about it.

I can go for some Character right now... right after Deliverance. See how beautiful that is? I represent both camps. Let's respect the bands who know how to make Death Metal. And that includes, but is not exclusive to, Opeth and Dark Tranquility.

dude this is exactly why they hate opeth fans here.dont say that kind of stuff
Both bands are easily in my top five favorite bands. I go through phases where I really don't have the urge to listen to either of these bands, and then there are phases where I only want to listen to one or the other. Both offer something completely different. But I must say, when comparing these bands over the course of their existence, I'd probably have to go with Dark Tranquillity as being my preferred band. They haven't yet released an album that I wasn't all that impressed with. I can't even think of a least favorite album, which I can easily do with most of the other bands I listen to. Opeth's Deliverance album really just doesn't do it for me. Aside from "A Fair Judgement," I just have no urge to listen to any of it. That being said, I think Opeth have better "moments" in their songs than Dark Tranquilly. Some of their acoustic stuff from Morningrise and MAYH are really pretty incredible.
OMG next can we do Linkin Park vs Limp Bizkit? :rolleyes:

Seriously, who fucking cares. Some people are going to enjoy Opeth more than Dark Tranquility, some are going to enjoy Dark Tranquility more than Opeth. If you like one more than the other, good for you, that doesn't mean anyone who disagrees is stupid or an asshole or a jerk. They're both fucking awesome bands, no need to argue like a bunch of 14 year olds over it.
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