Dumbest Hobbies Inventory


Active Member
Apr 10, 2006
I recently started betting on sports even though I barely watch any and even though I know it's really fucking stupid. However, I can still think of stupider hobbies.

Cosplay is really fucking gay and stupid for instance. People talking about Holdem Poker all the time are annoying as fuck too. People tuning their old VW Golf with a dumb spoilers and stickers are dumb as fuck.

EDIT: I always thought dancing was pretty fucking lame.
Nah I think you kinda ended the thread at the beginning with the stupidest possible example, I cant think of something dumber than betting on sports when you barely watch anyway, let alone betting on sports anyway. Grats.
Nah I think you kinda ended the thread at the beginning with the stupidest possible example, I cant think of something dumber than betting on sports when you barely watch anyway, let alone betting on sports anyway. Grats.

How about the hobby of being an annoying twat on forums all day where no one likes you?
Nah I think you kinda ended the thread at the beginning with the stupidest possible example, I cant think of something dumber than betting on sports when you barely watch anyway, let alone betting on sports anyway. Grats.

So how many times have you bet on any sport? I think your answer will be 0. How can you judge it then?

On-topic: making youtube videos and not making money out of it, especially if your videos are stupid. I see people making video reviews of albums on youtube. Who the fuck would watch that, why not just listen to the album?

It's not exactly a hobby, but I don't get drinking games. I'm not sure if it's suposed to be fun, or is it just excuse for drinking, but it's dumb. If I'm drinking, I'm drinking, I don't need any game to tell me when I can/should drink.
It's not exactly a hobby, but I don't get drinking games. I'm not sure if it's suposed to be fun, or is it just excuse for drinking, but it's dumb. If I'm drinking, I'm drinking, I don't need any game to tell me when I can/should drink.

It's something to do and react to with your fellow drinking buddies if there's nothing to talk about.
I agree with dancing, so fucking boring. Cosplay is cool though, its basically just a more specialized Halloween. And if I remember correctly Onder you also dislike that so no surprise.

Also putt putt is hella super mega lame. The last few times I went the magic I felt as a child had totally dissipated.
Onder, poker isn't stupid. It's a skill game with elements of luck. Unfortunately, I'm like the world's unluckiest player, so that sucks
If you don't find cosplays awesome. Well, fuck you!

You don't realize the tons of hours these people put in putting their costumes together, it takes a ton of patience.

Princess Zelda

Anya Stroud (Gears of War)

Tomb Raider (newer)

Leliana (Dragon Age)
Collecting shit has always been a weird hobby to me. Like collecting rocks. I understand if you are trying to sell them years later for profit (i.e. stamps), but there's a ton of people who just hoard a particular item and leave it in storage.
I don't think a hobby's validity should be traced to profitability. You could argue then it isn't a hobby and/or argue that nearly every hobby is weird. Like why play video games if you aren't making money at it.
I do the occasional metal detecting and its actually really fun. We know our chances of making money are slim but finding an ooooollllddd ass penny, or an old school seven up can a foot underground, or once, an odd rock that just may be a meteorite, is pretty cool.

Its basically just taking a walk and jamming and exploring a little bit. Highly recommended.
I don't think a hobby's validity should be traced to profitability. You could argue then it isn't a hobby and/or argue that nearly every hobby is weird. Like why play video games if you aren't making money at it.

Because playing video games provides entertainment, what are you going to do with a rock?
I see people walking on the beach with their metal detectors, and it always makes me feel a bit sad.

There were times when my family was really short on money when I was a kid, my dad would take a metal detector he dug out of the dumpster at the flea market and fixed around and gather change to buy shit for our family when times were hard. I'm pretty sure he paid for Christmas one year in dug up change.