Dumbest Hobbies Inventory

The easiest way out is to avoid nightclubs. They're horrible places anyway, people are rude and conceited beyond all belief.
I love dancing. It's a great way to express oneself and to lose oneself in music. And dancing with a beautfiul woman is quite fun!

As for weird hobbies, when I was a kid I had a massive can collection, including hundreds of different soda cans. While my aunt did bring me a few cool ones (i.e. soda cans from Africa) mostly it was a shit ton of coke, pepsi, sprite, etc. shit you could find anywhere. I also had a massive penny collection, though that one is more common. In general, I've always had an infatuation with collections, which is probably why I blow so much money on CDs and LPs.
I love dancing. It's a great way to express oneself and to lose oneself in music. And dancing with a beautfiul woman is quite fun!

ha you sound like a kid from the 1950's. "Hey fellas let's go out, get a shake and maybe we'll meet some girls we can kiss!"

not bashing ya, just thought it had a funny tone and was a funny interpretation
I'll throw bird-watching out there. It's called looking out of your fucking window.

To each their own, but birds are awesome, I don't think anyone just sits there and watches the birds. It's about the bird photography. Little descendants of dinosaurs that soar through the air and adapt to any environment. They come in thousands of varieties of colors, sizes and calls. Evolution (at least physically) was kinder to these creatures than to us.
You can marvel at a lot of creatures, don't need to go pigeon-holing (get it) yourself with birds. There are tons of people walking in the woods with binoculars and I'm trying to figure out what kind of satisfaction they walk away with. But yeah, to each their own.
I used to collect bottles and cans of all the different kinds of alcohol I would drink. Had to throw that shit out when I moved house because it woulda taken up too much space in the moving truck along with making me look like a raging alcoholic...
You can marvel at a lot of creatures, don't need to go pigeon-holing (get it) yourself with birds. There are tons of people walking in the woods with binoculars and I'm trying to figure out what kind of satisfaction they walk away with. But yeah, to each their own.

Other animals are often harder to find, are not in as many varieties in one place, are more dangerous to be around etc. Most who are bird watchers (myself included) don't just focus on birds, if other animals are around we watch them too. It's a hobby that has synergy with other hobbies such as hiking and photography. It's like if you are already out hiking and taking pictures, why not learn what kind of birds you are taking pictures of? And that leads to further questions like "which birds are here this time of year while i'm hiking and taking pictures?" And all of a sudden you're an amateur bird watcher. It's fun when you find something rare, bird or otherwise.
I can't hold anything against 'bird watchers' because I myself spend a fucking ton of time in the bush, often with my boombox but sometimes I just hang out in the silence and soak in the surroundings.
Besides the appeal of the animals, feeling so isolated and not being able to see evidence of humanity for miles is very exhilarating to me.

But my favourite thing is to play some Celtic Frost or Goatlord under the stars with a bottle of Johnnie Walker black label and freak myself the fuck out by a campfire.
I gave up on MtG about the time Pithing Needle came out and the price of single new rares started spiking hard. Wasn't so bad when the playset of the most desired new rares were $35-40.
Other animals are often harder to find, are not in as many varieties in one place, are more dangerous to be around etc. Most who are bird watchers (myself included) don't just focus on birds, if other animals are around we watch them too. It's a hobby that has synergy with other hobbies such as hiking and photography. It's like if you are already out hiking and taking pictures, why not learn what kind of birds you are taking pictures of? And that leads to further questions like "which birds are here this time of year while i'm hiking and taking pictures?" And all of a sudden you're an amateur bird watcher. It's fun when you find something rare, bird or otherwise.

Sounds like you have a good time with it.
Any excuse to go out in nature is a good thing and I'm totally in favor of it versus bird hunting so there's that.
I just hang out in the silence and soak in the surroundings.
Besides the appeal of the animals, feeling so isolated and not being able to see evidence of humanity for miles is very exhilarating to me.

I totally agree with this (although I don't think it's a "weird hobby"). But I like very specific natural surroundings, namely mountains and forests (together).
Oh yeah. I fish a fuck ton and own four different fishing poles. I'll have to post a pic of my tackle box some time,its covered in this gray fish bone pattern and filled with more shit than I ever use.

Always wanted to try out fly fishing, haven't done that yet.

Not sure why people think fishing is boring. Think they need to chill the fuck out with a beer and some jams and throw a line in the water. Then use a different line to wiggle a pretend fish. Then eat animals straight from nature's cooler.