DVD Confirmation

As far as the "pro quality" issue, the entire DVD is pro shot. We ran into an issue with the quality settings the film crew used. They used the lesser of the 2, and we had to make some adjustments, and color corrections because of it, so the video quality COULD be better, but as it is, it's still pretty damn good. We're happy with it.
Another thing thats great about the dvd is the lengthy set list. Well done guys, certainly great value for money. I love videos aswell surely the 'Autumn Reflection' video is one of the best music videos ever.
About half-way through the live set, the crowd starts chanting "NOVEMBER DOOM...NOVEMBERS DOOM..."

Joe keeps the tempo, and Larry comes in with a riff.

Larry - were you playing the intro to TROUBLE's "Touch The Sky"???
NO!!! know your classics man!!! :D that riff is pretty different i think.

my money is on Supernaut!!! except just the first part of the riff and in another key :)
Paul if you read this,do me a favor and put up that official flyer or whatever it's called.. you know with the official release date for the DVD so I can copy it onto my Myspace please..Thanks! :)
It is fucking sexy.

It has such a great sound. It's performed well and has simple and enjoyable camera work.

The live version of Within My Flesh and The Novella Reservoir are, at the moment, the highlight of the DVD for me.

I love all of Larrys background black metally screams. Works really well in the live setting.