Endorsing some items - everyone pitch in

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
Figure this is a good place to share some fucking badass things Ive found over the years with you guys... not at ALL music related:


This shit right here... is fucking amazing.. and not a lot of people know about it at all.

It mixes well with everyone, and I prefer it with ginger ale, as is the official drink of Bermuda, the Dark and Stormy.... which is brand specific. Gosling's Black Seal Rum and Barritt's ginger beer... which is just a ginger ale.

ANY Golden rum and ginger ale is basically the drink, but... Gosling's is fucking vital.

Drink this shit... trust me on this.. AND its like 15$ for the 750ml.

Ill kick ya some more shit later.

Add to this... recommend some products

I cannot possibly describe how much I love this thing - I dunno why, but being able to cut out the whole soap application process (you fill the handle up with soap, in case anyone didn't realize :goggly: ) just makes the dishwashing (by hand) process go by so much faster, or at least feel like it (streamlining is the key word here). Honestly, I lived in an apartment off campus last year during my Sr. year of college, and I used to just let dishes pile up in the sink because I fucking hated doing 'em - once I got a dish wand, however, it just felt so much easier :D
Cant stand the band, but this is the best 7 string I have played. Got 2 rg7620s, but the K7 is miles above them in build quality and sound. If ya can get over the K7 inlay, it is awesome. Just swap the paf7 bridge for something else.


And as for beverages, this is the shit!


And if ya cant keep the ball on the fairway, I cannot recommend this highly enough, first bit of technology that actually works wonders in a new driver, straightest and most forgiving driver I have ever hit, period! Tour version sits 1 degree open while the normal version sits shut.


and one for all you bald nuts out there, no more paying through the arse for blades anymore, though expensive, it has paid for itself 3 times over. Closest shave to a blade (on ya head) that I have ever used.

This is quickly turning into the Official Booze Thread.

This is one of those drinks that you have once and get so plastered that you're off it for a year.
Rumple, hahaha, not bad.

Ive got another one, this is for ya fellow long hairs out there:


Beast shampoo. Pretty expensive, like 13$ a bottle or some shit... but its fucking win.

I cannot possibly describe how much I love this thing - I dunno why, but being able to cut out the whole talking process (you fill the vagina up with penis, in case anyone didn't realize :goggly: ) just makes the sex (by penis) process go by so much faster, or at least feel like it (streamlining is the key word here). Honestly, I lived in an apartment off campus last year during my Sr. year of college, and I used to just let my cum pile up in my balls because I fucking hated stroking 'em - once I got a vagina, however, it just felt so much easier :D