Engl amps.

Personally I hate the Powerball, don't like the Screamer or Thunder, but the other ones I've heard are better. The Invader is probably my favourite, though I have only heard clips of it.

I don't like the mids in most Engls, they don't usually have those "ballsy mids" I like (the Invader seems to be a nice exception). They sound very scooped, yet they somehow manage to have a lot of high mids that I think sound pretty unpleasant. Also most have WAY too much gain.
The best ENGL tone I've heard is CJ's from the clips he posted a few years back. It was done with a Fireball and beats out all the Invader/Savage/Pball/Blackmore clips I've heard since.

The Fireball is my bet because it sounds the most crushing and also ends up being one of the cheaper ENGL options. The Savage is no doubt a killer amp too, but the Fball is voiced more where me likey.

Here's a clip for you newer guys: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/285689/Forum/GOR - Remote Floods.mp3

I think back then he may still have been using an Mbox and G12-T75 speakers in a Marshall cab.
The best ENGL tone I've heard is CJ's from the clips he posted a few years back. It was done with a Fireball and beats out all the Invader/Savage/Pball/Blackmore clips I've heard since.

The Fireball is my bet because it sounds the most crushing and also ends up being one of the cheaper ENGL options. The Savage is no doubt a killer amp too, but the Fball is voiced more where me likey.

When I heard that clip I nilly exploded. Need moar CJ Wall clips.
The best ENGL tone I've heard is CJ's from the clips he posted a few years back. It was done with a Fireball and beats out all the Invader/Savage/Pball/Blackmore clips I've heard since.

The Fireball is my bet because it sounds the most crushing and also ends up being one of the cheaper ENGL options. The Savage is no doubt a killer amp too, but the Fball is voiced more where me likey.

Here's a clip for you newer guys: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/285689/Forum/GOR - Remote Floods.mp3

I think back then he may still have been using an Mbox and G12-T75 speakers in a Marshall cab.

Gaahh, I couldn't focus on the thing at all because the bleeding click bugged the hell out of me :ill: :lol:
When I heard that clip I nilly exploded. Need moar CJ Wall clips.

I have a few here for you. I have added some "gear used" details in the filenames:

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/CJWall 11-9-06 DFHx - Song 1 Idea.mp3

Using one of my Impulses
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/C...sed Massacre Influence of Impulses MASTER.mp3

Mix - Schecter w Passives - TS-9 - ENGL Fireball gain 9oclock rhythm 12oclock leads Aflat tuning- 1960a - 57 - RME Fireface
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/C...0a - 57 - RME FirefaceGOR - Remote Floods.mp3

Single guitar track (from above mix)
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/C... CJWall single guitar track Guitar Solo'd.mp3

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/CJWall King Conquer SS Drums Demo.mp3

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/CJWALL ENGL Fireball Impulses GOR - Proverbial Dissonance .mp3

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/CJWall - King Conquer - Seige MASTER MP3.mp3

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/CJWall - The Sequential - Masking - MASTER.mp3

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/CJWALL MIXING HD147 amp King Conquer - Master Destroyer.mp3

Some of these are still uploading as I type. If you get a download error, just try again later.

No I didn't just collect CJ's clips. I have over 15 gigs of clips and other stuff from many people here. :lol:
Sorry for Hi-jacking the thread, but which of the aforementioned ENGL amps would be closer to the tone of the E530 preamp? I have the 530 and I don't have the chance to play any ENGL heads in here, so I would like to have some kind of reference on what's been spoken in this thread.
Cheers! :kickass:
Well, not needed, but strongly desired! :D


I didn't have the time to track anything yesterday, but I'll try and get something up this weekend.

I am on my laptop, so I don't really have any clips on it, except for a death metal'ish riff I tracked with my Invader a while ago. It was just to get the riff on "tape", so I didn't pay attention to the settings or the mic position that much. I used my Orange cab for this, even though I do prefer my Mesa Recto 4X12".


So, unedited (no lp filter, nothing) fizzy (I had the mic dead center) clip with not the best settings. Just to show that the Invader is not only a "djent" amp. If I remember correctly, the clip was quad tracked, not very tightly which can be heard during the "thrashy" riff. A bit dark, I had the presence too low etc...

I will post better clips later this weekend. This time with the Mesa cab. proper settings and maybe even drums.
hey guys, ::wink wink::

Thanks for all the support and praise; made my day! After a long hiatus, I am back into the game. Unfortunately, I lost every last bit of gear I owned up in another state with an ex-g/f of mine, but, Phil and I are slowly amassing a MONSTER rig.

And yes, I still LOVE the Fireball. Much more so than any amp I have tried thus far. (Including my old block letter 5150, Dual Rec, MK V, Powerball, XXX, etc.)

Cheers dudes!