I didn't have the time to track anything yesterday, but I'll try and get something up this weekend.
I am on my laptop, so I don't really have any clips on it, except for a death metal'ish riff I tracked with my Invader a while ago. It was just to get the riff on "tape", so I didn't pay attention to the settings or the mic position that much. I used my Orange cab for this, even though I do prefer my Mesa Recto 4X12".
So, unedited (no lp filter, nothing) fizzy (I had the mic dead center) clip with not the best settings. Just to show that the Invader is not only a "djent" amp. If I remember correctly, the clip was quad tracked, not very tightly which can be heard during the "thrashy" riff. A bit dark, I had the presence too low etc...
I will post better clips later this weekend. This time with the Mesa cab. proper settings and maybe even drums.