ENGL Fireball Clip


Oct 21, 2005
Southwest Florida, USA
Greetings all,

I have been lurking around this forum for quite a while now and finally decided to suck it up and let some of you critique my mix/tone. The clip is of a severely incomplete song I am working on.

(Excuse the Soundclick hassle, just click on "Music" on the right hand side, tis' the only song up right now.)

Bass and Snare are from Sneap's samples, cymbals are NS_Kit7; all programmed in FL Studio (until I am bothered enough to get Battery and finally go MIDI).

Recording chain for guitars was as follows (bass is merely pitch-shifted guitar):
ENGL Fireball > 1960a > SM57 > M-Audio Mobile-Pre > Cubase SX2

All clean guitars and leads are V-Amp2. Please let me know what you guys think I can improve with this mix; the MP3 conversion did add some nasty artifacts to the highs but that is to be expected I suppose.

Thanks for any input!
Oh, woops! Forgot to mention the guitar, my trusty Schecter A-7 I've had for 5 or 6 years, stock pick-ups! I also just remembered I believe I boosted the front end with a GE-7 (mostly to cut some bass, boost some of the higher mids, as the Schecters stock pups are garbage). Thanks for the positive reviews so far, anyone else?

- Charlie
Fantastic guitar tone, massive, man, I love it! The "impersonated" bass sounds very odd though, not too big of a distraction but still, especially in the last GYBE/EITS part. Other than that, the riffs are mighty fine, just what I like... so I'd appreciate if you PMed or emailed me with a notice once a more finished version becomes available!
Knifevariable: Without a doubt man, I will surely let you know. The hard part is finding inspriation or some new ideas to figure out where to take this thing, but it all comes together in time! Thanks to all for the positive comments so far!
I really dig that....listened on some shit speakers (built into the monitor)
sos I cant talk about the mix/tone....cool song though.....will listen again at home...
Carrier Flux: haha, I am extremely happy with the ENGL. I've tried a few Dual's and didn't much care for them. Out of all the amps I HAVE played, the Fireball suits my particular needs fine. Althoughhhh, I am very interested in checking out a Savage 120, I dig the clips I've heard of that thing ALOT. It's got this really edgy, juicy, semi-saggy character to it that I am loving.

Anyhow, keep the comments coming. Thanks guys!
CJWall said:
Carrier Flux: haha, I am extremely happy with the ENGL. I've tried a few Dual's and didn't much care for them. Out of all the amps I HAVE played, the Fireball suits my particular needs fine. Althoughhhh, I am very interested in checking out a Savage 120, I dig the clips I've heard of that thing ALOT. It's got this really edgy, juicy, semi-saggy character to it that I am loving.

Anyhow, keep the comments coming. Thanks guys!

or more specific feedback than I gave before.

first off I hate you.

you have nailed a tone far superior than I have, spending all* my fucking money on gear and 14 years trying to get my stupid guitars to sound good, and you just blew mine away. ar!!!! fucker.

anyway. the arrangement sounds all messed up, but you probably know that already. the phaser guitar or whatever's going on for the lead in the first heavy riff sounds out of tune. perhaps too much phaser? or poor intonation? I'm guessing it's the effect but I can't tell.

the cleans sound poorly balanced. like the left side is weighted too much in the low mids, and the right too much upper mids..in this case sounding kind of awkward. also as long as you have a nice head, why aren't you recording your cleans through that instead of the V-amp? give it a shot, it might make a really big difference.

the dirty guitar rhythms sound fantastic. nice playing, and damn, great fucking tone!
btw I think you just solved a riddle for me. I've been listening to the new Defleshed album non-stop lately, and wondering about the guitar rig. After checking out your clip then throwing in "Reclaim The Beat" I think they're using the same [or same manufacturer at least] rig as you.
Carrier Flux said:
or more specific feedback than I gave before.

first off I hate you.

you have nailed a tone far superior than I have, spending all* my fucking money on gear and 14 years trying to get my stupid guitars to sound good, and you just blew mine away. ar!!!! fucker.

anyway. the arrangement sounds all messed up, but you probably know that already. the phaser guitar or whatever's going on for the lead in the first heavy riff sounds out of tune. perhaps too much phaser? or poor intonation? I'm guessing it's the effect but I can't tell.

the cleans sound poorly balanced. like the left side is weighted too much in the low mids, and the right too much upper mids..in this case sounding kind of awkward. also as long as you have a nice head, why aren't you recording your cleans through that instead of the V-amp? give it a shot, it might make a really big difference.

the dirty guitar rhythms sound fantastic. nice playing, and damn, great fucking tone!

Awesome, this is what I needed. ;) yes, the arrangement does need work. This is the difficult part for me personally. Actually all 3 parts are recorded on totally seperate days and kind of spliced together.. The lead, ahh the lead in the first part, yes, that would be the effect. I have this VST plug-in that I like to use on my leads, but I may have went to heavy on it in that part (and overall as well), as it actually adds those phasey out of tune notes and dirtys' up the sound quite a bit, I always felt there was something wierd about that part, now I think I know what it is.

I actually never recorded my cleans through the Fireball because of my lack of effects but now that I really think about it, I could use VST effects and or just use the V-Amp solely as an effects unit, hmm.. thanks for the specifics.

Don't get too frustrated with your tone search man! 14 years? wow! <looks at liscense> I'm only 21! haha. I actually had a 5150 for a few years but was never really satisfied with it. Sent it off to Voodoo Amps to get modified and when I got it back I still didn't dig it. It did sound very good, but was wayyy too dry! Very VHT-like. I then proceeded to sell the Voodoo 5150 to fund my ENGL. Good luck man and, thank you again!