Epic Shootout sm57 vs I5 Vs 609

which mic do you guize love <3?

  • A

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • B

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • C

    Votes: 17 42.5%

  • Total voters
I´m listening on my MBP speakers but I would say:

A I5
B Sennheisser e609
C Sm57

The audix has more high end as the sm57
The Sennheisser is very aggressiv and middy
The sm57 is the perfect balance in my opinion

cheers and thanks for the shootout!!!
I think:
A - Kinda fuzzy sounding,
B - Got something weird going on in the midrange
C - Balanced and not overly fizzy, me likey

at a guess:

A - 57
B - 609
C - I5

Bet I'm wrong though
man i love these guitars, is it ok that i download em and mix em with some drums of mine to see where can i get with good guitars never mixed something like that...
i need a tempo though... but i can manage that i guess or you can tell me... all best mate great guitars... as for me i liked A than C than B sound best...
Blecchh, B is so fucking horrible, my good god :lol: Really accentuates this nasty frequency overtone from the palm mutes. C is by far my favorite, A sounds very thin and overly crisp, whereas C is much fuller in the upper mids; I'm gonna guess C is the 57, A i5, and B 609, so keep that fucking Senn far away from me! :loco: Why are there so many freakin' files though? What are the differences between cguitar, cguitarprocess, and cprocess? :loco: As for the overall tone, I find it a bit too nasally on all the clips tbh, and it's a bit woofy on the palm mutes, which makes the whole mix feel really muddy when combined with the bass guitar (though I think a large part of that is the bass itself, mud city IMO :erk: ) But yeah, the tones just sound kinda small to my ears, really upper-mid focused and not too balanced overall (and I'd like a little more crispness with the mic closer to le cap, but that's just me :D)

EDIT: Whoops, posted before reading page 2, glad to hear my suspicions were confirmed, 57 rules the roost! :headbang:
marcus just because i don't like uber roadking tone and micing dead fricken on in the center of the cone doesn't make my tone nasaly :\if you crank your volume those tones becomve veeeerrry thick imho except for b
oh and the diffrence is A B C are raw in the mix Aprocess etc. is processed in the mix aguitars is raw guitar aprocess guitar is raw processed guitars
marcus just because i don't like uber roadking tone and micing dead fricken on in the center of the cone doesn't make my tone nasaly :if you crank your volume those tones becomve veeeerrry thick imho except for b

Dude, neither of those factors (dustcap or "uber Road King") affect nasalliness, that's why I mentioned the dustcap thing pretty much as an afterthought at the end; and you specifically asked for feedback on the tone, so I gave it, you're certainly welcome to take it or leave it! ;)
Haha, cool dude, and yeah, I'm fine to accept different strokes! Honestly though, I prefer C guitars without the processing; is the only difference between unprocessed and processed really just HP/LP? The unprocessed one feels much fuller to me... :confused:
Blecchh, B is so fucking horrible, my good god :lol: Really accentuates this nasty frequency overtone from the palm mutes. C is by far my favorite, A sounds very thin and overly crisp, whereas C is much fuller in the upper mids; I'm gonna guess C is the 57, A i5, and B 609, so keep that fucking Senn far away from me! :loco:

Yeah, the 609 sucks as a single mic IMO, but with a 57 it's actually pretty nice. Haven't tried two 57's or 57 & i5 though, but I once experimented with a 609 and a 57, and thought it sounded pretty cool.
I´m also a big fan of e609 + sm57.
The e609 sucks as a stand alone mic but blended with the sm57 it is another beast!!!!
They fit perfectly together!!!!
I put the e609 on-axis and the sm57 off axis both in the same volume.
Did you ever try the e609 off axis and the 57 on axis???