european tour: reviews, comments, questions

rei toei sure took some pictures of me that same night atlantis is referring to... as soon as they're ready i think you'll all be treated to a massive dose of niklas, mikael, niklas, martin h, niklas, rahvin, niklas, michael, niklas, anders, niklas, martin b and possibly even niklas. :p

Originally posted by rahvin
as for your whereabouts, i daresay milan is a very interesting option, mostly because i can visit more often than i could distant denmark. :spin:
however, this also implies a rather vibrant change of mind, at least as compared to what i knew before... i think there's room for wondering what happened, and why... :u-huh:


@hyena (first): I was not insensitive to that bounty around. It's no coincidence I'm showing off a danish-blonde residence permit....but you know, rahve is still my friend.... I feel like i have to take care of him... maternal care you see:D

@rahve: milano, milano.... no vibrant change of mind indeed.
I'm still unsettled, definitely intolerant... I fed up with Rome, some other projects on the way but I need to be issued with something before....mhn something has changed...just opened my eyes maybe....
Some song you've heard before- some things just cannot be etc.

Mind it: I don't mean you're going to be a pleased guest.

we should move to fiiiiiinlaaand maybe. at least everyone would consider us cool.

Finland is wasteland.

Finland is a place where you kill yourself without a decent reason.

Finland is a place where you can get drunk.

Finland a place where you can get drunk, and kill yourself without a decent reason.
finland is a place where getting drunk is nearly impossible because of the hilarious alcohol prices (without a decent reason), and so everyone refrains from killing oneself :p
Originally posted by hyena
we should move to fiiiiiinlaaand maybe. at least everyone would consider us cool.

ah and apropos moving to finland: chances are i well get a research job in finland next year for eight weeks :D
other facilities are in scotland, japan, usa, germany and so on, but i think i'll give finland a try (if i actually make it to the 3rd semester :) )
i would defo kill myself if faced with excessive alcohol prices, but now that would be a decent reason.

damn, I always thought finland to be a country where if you didn't spend hilarous amounts of money on alcohol to have fun without a decent reason, you were either killed or sent to the wastelands...and actually that's why I prefer the south :p

fathervic (mediterranean)
Originally posted by FatherVic
damn, I always thought finland to be a country where if you didn't spend hilarous amounts of money on alcohol to have fun without a decent reason, you were either killed or sent to the wastelands...and actually that's why I prefer the south :p

fathervic (mediterranean)

They send you nude out from the sauna and in to the woods were you most likely will be eaten be squirrels or other evil creatures witih a few hours.
just came home from the vienna-gig :goggly: :loco:

I have DT differently in mind (compared to the last time I saw them with sentenced, in flames , etc.) - I cannot judge, since it's only the second time I saw them live and there's this apparent difference.... it was not bad - not at all! :D

I wish they had played some more stuff from Damage Done, tho...
anyway... seeing a band live is always way different than hearing them on CD :) it was a good performance .... yes , it was! :spin:
hey opacity, glad you enjoyed the gig :D

@zodi: squirrels and nightingales are damned evil creatures up in scandinavia, I know :loco:

@miolo....pal, you're not the first, nor the last ;)

fathervic (who would love to get out of a sauna and run to the forest )
hello opacity, glad to see you dropped by. :)

i've been told a few pics from the show in milan might well be under way. supposedly one of them features me looking less ugly than usual, and another portrays niklas headbanging, more gracious than ever. ;)

@FatherVic: there were far too few ppl. at the gig :erk: only half the venue or maybe 2/3 was filled... dunno why :confused: ppl. couldn't have known before that kim&alexi would have a little "marital discussion" during the set :heh:

@rahvin: I know I'm a notworthy visitor.... :grin:
Hey opacity, fellow Austrian! :grin: I couldn't make it to the gig, I wish I had been there :(
The Planet Music was only half full? Well, I guess the line-up was a bit strange - I believe the support bands were kinda power metal? Were they good?
Originally posted by Miolo
i am stuuuuuuuuupid. :mad:
i took a lot of photos at the concert, then i discovered i didn't put the film into the camera. :mad:

Miolo (the number one idiot in the world)

Though I feel sorry and honestly loyal for the sad event, deep inside something is smiling, sharing this regretful heart-shake (I forgot my camera 570 km souther....)


due to the swampy sound sinergy had, vocals (thus, also voice) were not very well comprehensible *phew! - lucky me :p * - however, what I understood from the little discussion was that they couldn't agree at first which song was supposed to be played, or which song should be sung with the 3 fans who were taken onstage.
also, they didn't speak into the mike directly while discussing =)
it was only obvious that something went not smooth :grin: