

Mar 7, 2003
Antwerpen - Belgium
Now isn't this sweet.. :tickled::p


The decent pics have arrived too.. I'll post some tomorrow or so.
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Anneke said:
Ooooow, so everyone wanted to shoot me or what.. lol Well, I couldn't resist putting that thread title on when I saw this pic. Didn't ask them to pose this way.. It came out all naturally.. :tickled:

Tom has that "five mile stare" doesn't he? NOW let's see the other pictures! *LOL* hope they are as good as this one!
MY EYES! MY POOR EYES! Oh lord these guys REALLY bond don't they? Is there anyway to "buy" some pre -The Dark Discovery- stuff from anywhere? Early demos or such? I am thinking it is going to be a while before the next album is released. Plus it would be cool as HELL to se the transition into greatness

Poor Jonas isn't having an easy time! Hazing the new guy! LOL

ps. Where does one learn the secret signs for the funny little facies you all colour your replies with?