everybody from london ok?

i want to say that my heart goes out to everyone involved or related to anyone involved to the terrrible tragedy in london today. to see this type of thing still being possible and committed is horrible and an outrage. i certainly hope nobody here was hurt or related to anyone that was. lets hope this never happens again anywhere.
As an American, it is important to at least think about this situation. When Sept. 11th happened, everyone here was so shocked. I bet half of our country doesnt even know about this incident, and that should change. Now is the time we show the world that we do care about other nations, and stick up for our closest ally, the United Kingdom.

Hopefully, everyone that visits this forum is okay. It's yet another sad day towards a new beginning.
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
mh, why not? if someone is injured or friends or family got injured he could reply...no?
ok fair enough, but I was thinking if I was injured in a bombing I somehow doubt I'd be visiting the Opeth forum 5 hours later to tell everyone.

anyways, it always sucks to wake up to this kind of news :|
NineFeetUnderground said:
i want to say that my heart goes out to everyone involved or related to anyone involved to the terrrible tragedy in london today. to see this type of thing still being possible and committed is horrible and an outrage. i certainly hope nobody here was hurt or related to anyone that was. lets hope this never happens again anywhere.

+ the area of the bombings is directly surrounding where i'll be going to school in a couple months. i fully intend to go and still ride the tube every day to class. terrorism is only effective so long as people fear it.
Well, i'm from London and i survived. But i was with my girlfriend this morning and her mum takes the train to king's Cross everymorning at about nine o clock (the time it happened). So when we found out she was trying for ages to get through to her mum. It was a horrible few hours but finally she mangaged to get through and find that her mum was okay. Her mum was on the next train into King's Cross when it happened!
AE*4_ReApEr_4*AE said:
Well, i'm from London and i survived. But i was with my girlfriend this morning and her mum takes the train to king's Cross everymorning at about nine o clock (the time it happened). So when we found out she was trying for ages to get through to her mum. It was a horrible few hours but finally she mangaged to get through and find that her mum was okay. Her mum was on the next train into King's Cross when it happened!

thats freakin scary...I don't know what I'd do if one of my family members was killed by terrorists. Prob. go bananas.
I have heard from most of my mates that work in the City and they are all fine.

One of my housemates is not expecting to be able to get home tonight, I think the trains this way from Liverpool Street are still suspended.

All I do know so far is that my boss' sister (my boss is one of my oldest friends and her sister is someone I have had a soft spot for for years) just missed the bus that exploded. She is understandably shaken up.

What I am impressed with from what I have seen on the news is the way that we as a nation are just getting on with it.

We should all take a moment to think about the implications, we all take some things for granted. I live in one of the major military towns, home of most of the British Paratroopers. It is not just the City that is a potential target.
My friend Stephanie was in a coffee shop near the second blast. She said it sounded like a high pitched clash noise. Then she heard screaming and saw people running by. I can only imagine the terror there. Crazy Extremist motherfuckers.
The_Isle said:
as tragic as this is, there are more appropriate forums for it.

As innappropriate as that was, I think we'll all ignore what you said. I think we all have a right to know if our Opeth bretheren are ok? ....I think so anyway.
Much respect adn my sympathies to teh deaprted and injsuted ones.....hate to see this kindda stuff happen....!!!!.....humanity at its worst...!!!.......PEAC EOUT
yeah fine, but lucky. I had a hospital appointment today that i had to change, we would have gone past russel square at the time the bus blew up. Awful stuff