everybody from london ok?

I was on a double decker bus and tube in London last week! Quite lucky I guess! But everyone knew that this was going to happen eventually (an attack in London by Al Quaeda), so I'm not at all surprised.
the best thing to do with such posts is ignore them. Its especially stirring for me because i go togrt ormond street hospital for kidney "stuff" and as i said i was going ot go down from lincoln but we decided not to and we go right through two of the locations where the attacks were to get there. Hopefully it wont happen again, it will though probably, but it wont be for a long while hopefully. Did you guys see the pic of the blood splattered agaisnt the building, sick.
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
since there are some members from london...is everybody ok? i hope so...

Thanks for the concern. I was supposed to go to central London this morning. I'd been planning this for weeks. And last night there was a party, short notice you know. So we finished around 5am and i just couldn't be bothered to get up and take the tube to central London. That's when all the txt-messages started coming in. My family was so concerned that they just flooded me with them.
I really appreciate everyone's concern. It seems that Almost every londoner on this forum seems to be okay, and thankfully, their loved ones too. Even if it was a close call. I just can't understand how people can bring themselves to do things like this. I mean, they could at least take out the polititians.
It's bad stuff.. was using the trains and tubes yesterday to meet my dad in london... As someone i know said "at least they've got the attack on england over with" .. seemed kind of stupid to say.. but london hasn't suffered nearly as much as new york did
This event is absolutely terrible, especially to those who have family and friends over there - myself included. I dearly hope that those criminals who murder innocent people in this way can be brought to some form of justice. And im glad to know that you folk are all ok.

Buuuut, the below statement REALLY pisses me off

TheApostle said:
Now is the time we show the world that we do care about other nations, and stick up for our closest ally, the United Kingdom.

Yes, because it takes death and carnage and destruction for you to do anything. And to 'show the world that you care about other nations', you of course need to help Britain, who you are close with anyway, and who needs help the least.

If you want to show that you care for other nations, ratify the Kyoto protocol. Help with debt relief. Do something about Zimbabwe. Take positive action rather than just spurting off a series of gibberish speeches about the people of the world when you dont actually do that much to help the people of the world.

Oh, and go see Hotel Rwanda.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
This event is absolutely terrible, especially to those who have family and friends over there - myself included. I dearly hope that those criminals who murder innocent people in this way can be brought to some form of justice. And im glad to know that you folk are all ok.

Buuuut, the below statement REALLY pisses me off

Yes, because it takes death and carnage and destruction for you to do anything. And to 'show the world that you care about other nations', you of course need to help Britain, who you are close with anyway, and who needs help the least.

If you want to show that you care for other nations, ratify the Kyoto protocol. Help with debt relief. Do something about Zimbabwe. Take positive action rather than just spurting off a series of gibberish speeches about the people of the world when you dont actually do that much to help the people of the world.

Oh, and go see Hotel Rwanda.

dude, it wasnt completely clear who you were pissed at, can you clarify?
Profanity said:
Tony Blairs love for George Bush had to come at a price.

Ah, yes. 'Cause it's his fault isn't it? Of course. And the USS Cole was his fault also, and so wasn't the first World Trade Center. There was no terrorism before GWB, I remember now. That thing with the Sarin gas on the subway must have been a crazy nightmare I had.

You do realize, of course, that any Al-Queda member would rather cut your freakin head off than look at you, right? They hate all things western, and wish to impose an islamo-fascist regime on the whole world, at any cost in innocent lives.
fhare said:
Ah, yes. 'Cause it's his fault isn't it? Of course. And the USS Cole was his fault also, and so wasn't the first World Trade Center. There was no terrorism before GWB, I remember now. That thing with the Sarin gas on the subway must have been a crazy nightmare I had.

You do realize, of course, that any Al-Queda member would rather cut your freakin head off than look at you, right? They hate all things western, and wish to impose an islamo-fascist regime on the whole world, at any cost in innocent lives.

Exactly. While (in my opinion) Bush has no business being president, he is not the cause of terrorism. This "war" seems more like a war between religions, and some of us are stuck in the middle. I'm tired of all the Bush bashing and blaming for war; I believe 9-11/war would have occoured even if Gore had been elected back in 2000.
fhare said:
You do realize, of course, that any Al-Queda member would rather cut your freakin head off than look at you, right? They hate all things western, and wish to impose an islamo-fascist regime on the whole world, at any cost in innocent lives.

Well i'll be safe because half of Manchester is already Islamic.
AE*4_ReApEr_4*AE said:
I just can't understand how people can bring themselves to do things like this. I mean, they could at least take out the polititians.

ha, agreed 300%