Evil Dead remake...

Talking Backwards

Senior Citizen
Oct 5, 2009
Yeah, most remakes suck. But at least this has an interesting trailer--that makes me think I'm watching a trailer for "a scary" Cabin in the Woods (which made me think of Evil Dead anyway). I'm ok with the first film being remade, but they better not touch the second, because there's no replacing the King and this also looks more like a straight up horror film than the series actually was.

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yeh the serious remake of campier/dated films seems to be the new trend the last few years, kind of a reverse of all the parody movies and silly remakes of the early-mid 00s. most (all) of them are unnecessary, but a few have been cool. this one looks pretty good, they would have been really stupid to try to out-silly bruce campbell.
yeh the serious remake of campier/dated films seems to be the new trend the last few years, kind of a reverse of all the parody movies and silly remakes of the early-mid 00s. most (all) of them are unnecessary, but a few have been cool. this one looks pretty good, they would have been really stupid to try to out-silly bruce campbell.

^ what he said :popcorn:
Just an FYI, the cabin in Cabin in the woods was supposed to look like the evil dead cabin. That was part of the shtick.

That aside, I am curious and both Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell are involved and endorsing this remake.
Just an FYI, the cabin in Cabin in the woods was supposed to look like the evil dead cabin. That was part of the shtick.

Well, I had assumed that was the case, but I was more curious as to whether or not it was supposed to be a facsimile or just a close approximation so that you knew what they were referencing.
They said no CG in this movie. Be curious how they faked that epic blood barf scene.
That happens all the time. The masses come on board who are less likely to like a movie. It's not unusual.
That happens all the time. The masses come on board who are less likely to like a movie. It's not unusual.

Well, typically when a movie has a bunch of early prerelease reviews that are good, it's from relatively few sources (i.e. ten or less). This time however seemed almost like an outlier. It's not really a big deal though, because at least it's not "rotten" yet. I'm a fan of the genre anyway (well, from the last fifteen years it's been very hit or miss, mostly miss) since I grew up on it.

Just got back. Fun little film. Chick from Suburbatory TV show deserves a hand.

I probably shouldn't, but I really enjoy Suburgatory. Namely for the sarcastic-as-fuck Tessa.