Dawn Of The Dead Remake

It was fucking great, I need to go see it again. The zombies run, but I can get used to that. If you like zombie movies then this is a fuckin belter, its by far the most sophisticated production of a living dead flick so far. For pure nostalgia obviously the original Dawn is the winner, but being a zombie lunatic I left the cinema from this one with a massive smile on my face. Go see it!!!!

Phew, thank god. If you're a zombie freak as well, then I feel no worries no more. Now I just need to know when the hell are they gonna release it here. I liked them running lunatics in 28 days later, so no problems in that department.

And actually I'm grateful for the makers they didn't just do a cover of the original but instead took the settings and went their own direction. (Or so I hear) :)
Yeah , Im a bad zombie freak - Ive bought some shite in my time in the name of zombiedom and sat through watching it (garden of the dead anyone?). Ive got allkinds here and the thing is if I can sit through and enjoy some of the low budget Italian shit that Ive bought then the new Dawn is like driving a Porsche while the old Italian stuff is like riding a crap bike with no wheels.
penance-soiree said:
some of my friends went to see it, their only complaint was that the "zombies could run" *shrugs* and apparantly it's different from the original cuz it's alot more focussed on action
Yeah the tone is completely different. Running zombies are not some peoples cup of tea, because it breaks iron-set rules. Thing is, though, Romero broke the rules of zombie lore when he did NOTLD because up til then they werent flesheaters, they were just mongs reurrected by black magic to do free hard labour. Romeros rules have been in place for 35 years and now the director of the new Dawn has changed them so that the zombies run and that if the reason you die wasnt from a bite then you wont come back. Personally, i prefer slower zombies coz it looks good, but that doesnt mean that I cant go to see a movie like this where they sprint like fuck. Its a great zombie movie, quite brutal and realistic and most of all apocalyptic which is important. The budget is bigger than any other living dead flick so youre gonna see some stuff youve never seen before. :rock:
Oh fuck. I just got a bad flashback from the days I bought Fulci's City of the Living Dead during my worst zombie-heat (having just discovered Romero's trilogy), expecting it to be similar stuff. Bollocks it was. Maybe it had some other qualities, I will never try to find them.
Light said:
What always bugged the fuck out of me, was, how did they get London so empty for that film? Must have cost a packet, or?

our man cillian got the IRA to phone in few bomb warnings, :tickled:

they just did it in the early hours of the morning, any ravers staggering home were used as zombie extras :ill: :ill:
i didnt like it as much as the original, but it was still good. i just get pissed off when i see smart people do stupid things, DONT WALK INTO THE DARK SHOP ON YOUR OWN YOU IDIOT. why do people go stupid and freak out when zombies are around, always bugs the shit outta me.
bad taste anyone? :)
braindead rocks!
i really enjoy zombie movies and b-movies