Excess posts

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Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
I'm getting multiple complaints about excess posts..I'm sure to those who post them, they are of value, but they are pointless pollution to many people here, so please knock it off. Not naming names, you know who you are. Remember, this is like SymX's home on the internet..would you go into their home and start babbling incessantly?

Wait, don't answer that. o_O
he he he sorry. man i dont know why people are so friggen picky on forums.
Not quite thread wise, but post wise, I'm definitely guilty. I just can't help it though. I love making stupid jokes.
True, we're just anticipating the new album keenly.

We all think it'll rock, we all know SymX rock! Nowt more to say.

Except I rock!!!
BastrdDrmr said:
If people weren't making stupid posts right now, there would be NO posting at all right now. There is nothing to discuss about Symphony X at the moment.
my point exactly damn!
I don't remember the exact wording, but I seem to recall a phrase that went something along the lines of:

It's often better to say nothing at all, than to open your mouth and prove you're an idiot.
arglebargle said:
jo jo, stop making threads dood
hey dude your ambient stuff is freakin cool could you send me like a 20 min song of ambient music. That would be great! serously.
Pastorius said:
True, we're just anticipating the new album keenly.

We all think it'll rock, we all know SymX rock! Nowt more to say.

Except I rock!!!

I'll have to agree. Stupid post people are in some sense needed to keep this place alive, while the band's in the middle of working, and us not getting updates to comment on.
ya arglebargle your uh symphonic stuff is cool too i want some of that. Im doing this because it seems everybody hates to have a new post up, I guess it just kills them including you so im doing you a favor.
There's always something to talk about Symphony X, like:

What kind of drumheads is Rullo using, aquarian perhaps?
How tall is Russ actually, maybe 6'3?

You could go on, heh.
Is it possible to avoid inserting very big images in the signature or inside the posts please? I remember it was discussed a long time ago, wasn't it? :)
The signature rules are:

• 200 pixels high
• 500 pixels wide (if it includes a large image, otherwise long text will wrap)
• No foul language please unless you use $%^ or whatever to edit it.
• No offensive emblems such as swastikas, etc. or porn/adult related imagery (this goes for avatars as well please, thanks)
• No verbal harassment of other members unless it is joking and the other person is cool with it.

These sig rules apply to all forums.

As far as images in threads, you can disable images by changing your UM options..to do that, go to http://ultimatemetal.com/forum/profile.php?do=editoptions
kazahana said:
I don't remember the exact wording, but I seem to recall a phrase that went something along the lines of:

It's often better to say nothing at all, than to open your mouth and prove you're an idiot.

I think the actual saying is:

It's better to sit in silence and be thought an idiot than to speak your mind and prove it.
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