Expectations/Anticipations for 2003?

MacMoney, no offense, but only uber-elitists like yourself think 2002 was a bad year. The rest of us idiots are well aware that 2002 was a BANNER year for metal, worldwide.

Me an über-elitist? Don't make me laugh. Most of the stuff that was released this year was redundant crap.

what's your top ten?

1. Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend
2. Morrigan - Enter The Sea of Flames
3. Agalloch - The Mantle
4. Scythe - On My Way Home
5. Megiddo - Atavism of Evil
6. The Wounded - Monument
7. Electric Wizard - Let Us Prey
8. Bathory - Nordland part 1
9. Rapture - Songs For The Withering
10. Immolation - Unholy Cult

There are a couple of interesting releases that I haven't been able to get my hands on yet, so it's not a definite one, but it's something.
C'mon now Mac, you're *always* slamming just about EVERYTHING that could even be considered widely accepted, no? Or is there another MacMoney running around slandering your good name? ;)

And I have no problem if you ARE an uber-elitist; I learn about lots of bands that way, but I just think it's silly to say 2002 was a poor year. If you like metal, it wasn't. Though we can just agree to disagree if you'd like. :)

BTW, I'm glad to see you have Morrigan as your #2, I just ordered it yesterday.
Originally posted by markgugs
C'mon now Mac, you're *always* slamming just about EVERYTHING that could even be considered widely accepted, no? Or is there another MacMoney running around slandering your good name? ;)

And I have no problem if you ARE an uber-elitist; I learn about lots of bands that way, but I just think it's silly to say 2002 was a poor year. If you like metal, it wasn't. Though we can just agree to disagree if you'd like. :)

BTW, I'm glad to see you have Morrigan as your #2, I just ordered it yesterday.

I don't slam old Judas Priest or old Black Sabbath or old Iron Maiden.

The reason why I slag things that most people here seem to like is that most of today's metal is almost as manufactured and produced for a certain audience as pop.
I can't wait to get these new CDs this year by these bands:

God Forbid
Lamb Of God

About PanterA.. I think their side project bands like Down are cool but I think it's they got togather for a new album.
Yeah, I would like to see Phil not pour so much energy into all of these other projects..I loved Nola but Down II kind of left me in the cold..and as for Superjoint Ritual...If I want to listen to black flag, I'll throw in one of their cds..
New Testament album was my first thought, but my expectations aren't too high after The Gathering, which was by no means a bad album, but really takes backseat to their earlier material.

Sinister also comes to mind.
Originally posted by Diluvial_bloodshed
New Testament album was my first thought, but my expectations aren't too high after The Gathering, which was by no means a bad album, but really takes backseat to their earlier material.

The Gathering was very weak IMO.4 good songs out of 11 dont make a good album.
New albums from The Black League, Naglfar, The Crown, Iron Maiden and Ajattara. Ulver's Nattens Madrigal remake might be worth hearing too.
Also Metallica's forthcoming is interesting, although my expectations are as low as they can get.

Edit: weehee, this was my (2nd) 666th post.
Originally posted by Voice of God
New albums from The Black League, Naglfar, The Crown, Iron Maiden and Ajattara. Ulver's Nattens Madrigal remake might be worth hearing too.
Also Metallica's forthcoming is interesting, although my expectations are as low as they can get.

Edit: weehee, this was my (2nd) 666th post.

Yes, didn't even think about Metallica..I've heard so much about it..that it'll have inspirations and influence from bands like Meshuggah and Hatebreed and also that Ja Rule will be on..can anyone confirm or deny these rumors?
Originally posted by Loco Bahamut
they're saying that it'll be like Master Of Puppets.Total BS as far as i'm concerned.Even if it is,i wont buy it.This band is dead to me.

Not trying to make this a metallica bash thread but yeah...I agree, doubt I'll be snagging that one either.
Originally posted by Soilent Goat
Yes, didn't even think about Metallica..I've heard so much about it..that it'll have inspirations and influence from bands like Meshuggah and Hatebreed and also that Ja Rule will be on..can anyone confirm or deny these rumors?

I read from some interview that the new album has been influenced by Meshuggah and Emperor, which sounds kind of weird to me. I don't think Ja Rule's going to be on it, they just co-operated for the one song that was released last summer.
Originally posted by Voice of God
I read from some interview that the new album has been influenced by Meshuggah and Emperor, which sounds kind of weird to me. I don't think Ja Rule's going to be on it, they just co-operated for the one song that was released last summer.

That's a relief..however, I don't think they'll ever release anything up to par with Ride the Lightning or Master of Puppets..so caring about new metallica is going to be a real hard task to complete