Expectations/Anticipations for 2003?

Originally posted by Hatebreeder33
The Haunted
Amon Amarth
The Crown (?)
Slayer (?)

not sure about the last two.

The Haunted kill, I'm not a very big Opeth fan, definitely have to be in the mood, but I won't deny their talent as excellent songwriters, Amon Amarth OWNS. I've never listened to the Crown..should I? As for Slayer, God Hates Us All became a bit dull after a few listens..I really wish they'd sit the fuck down and write another classic.
Originally posted by Fractured
Yup, and i'm floating like crazy over here.

I forgot about Metallica, i know i will be dissapointed, but i....still.....hope.....


Haha yeah, I wasn't trying to sound like a smartass about Opeth..they're amazing musicians..I think I'm just a little too into my death, gore, and grind to love everything they do. They have their moments..and Still Life is a fucking great cd when I'm in the mood. I've just never quite completely understood all of the hype surrounding the band..extremely talented songwriters nonetheless.
Well, it should happen. According to Jon Schaeffer, when I got to meet him in Atlanta (@ ProgPower), he confirmed the album is done and ready to go. They (IE) were just shopping and finalizing their new label plans, which were announced today.

I would think that mixing, distro & production shouldn't take more than a couple months and it should be out by mid-summer. SPV/Steamhammer definitely wants to have this out by then to take advantage of the loads of young metalheads who'll be out of school and buying records.
Let's see... things I can't wait for in 2003...

The new SYL and Devin Townsend albums.
New Voivod.
New Necrophagist

That's all I can think of at the moment.
Originally posted by NapalmForLunch
I dont know..
Iced Earth(dont thing its gonna happen)
Dimmu Borgir

Personally, I'm hoping Iced Earth will die and no longer release their horrid brew of heavy metal to me any longer..but I realize there are many here who love them and I respect that. But I bought Something Wicked..and within the first 35 seconds I was gagging..oh well. Barlow is a good singer..just not for me.
anyone know anything about the new samael

I too am disgusted with Iced Earth- and the patriotic leanings of the band is bullshit- as iced earth is big in europe not america- and just what great war are we fighting right now?