faith & religion

My post about the gay men with wings was (I expected a confusion from other ppl but Melon) a joke. NOT an ironic or sarcastic way (my respect overcomes my irony, I assure you), just something called humor sense, even the different options I wrote and never expected to be answered or replied. I think the humor sense can (must?) be applied to all aspects of life, specially to the serious ones.

The respect towards the intimacy is contemplated, so no answer needed. In any case, I didn't ask only about the reasons to be a religious man, I asked about the reasons to should make certain rites to maintain the faith, for instance.

|ngenius (a stupid man, specially when the words are taken by the wrong way)
@villain: well I guess nobody can be WHATEVER without really thinking deep about it. I've been through real doubts of faith many times, specially in hard times. It's strange to me, some people find it easier to hold on religion on the hard times, to me hard times are the ones who kept me on the border of faith. It's really wise not to ask much on religion. My case has been quite a "burden" to bear some times. In my area I must be one of the 10 young people attending to mass (and I don't relate to the rest, 'cause are the ones preaching the Word everywhere, something I would never do, since it's one of the points which are killing religion IMHO). So many times I've felt different, and after 8743764857643857645345 times of being asked (and quite often as if I just landed from Mars) about my beliefs, one gets really fed up and starts to isolate on the religious aspects of life, I don't really want to share my faith now, even I guess I should.
Religion is not successfull, nor is faith. The succesfull ones are the ones who have a full conviction on what they believe in. According to this, anybody who's agnostic, or whatever, will succeed in that aspect of life. Some times I felt I wasn't too succesfull being a catholic (I don't really follow some things) but I've reached quite balanced on my religious views and I'm really happy with it. It's not like catholicism just scored one more, nah! it's just another sould scored one for faiths sake ;)

@|ngenius: well making funny and intending to get serious answers is not what I really find amusing. And specially in the way this thread was dealt from the beginning. You know (better than all here) how much I love to be in the funny edge of life...but well, I normally follow what others do, just to respect the trace once the thread had, and this one seemed to me the best one to remain serious for some time...sorry if I upset you....
as for rites...well some of them (not all) help you to feel more into whatever you believe in. If I didn't attended to church weekly I would feel another "wannabe". I was or I wasn't. I decided I believed, well then I should spend one hour for my beliefs...can't ask for everyday and don't give anything back...
some personal replies, starting from the beginning of this thread:


originally posted by thanatos
Faith as a human need, religion as a human need...

What if I don't have those kinds of needs

of course there is no science telling us whether these needs are in everyone. however, it would indeed be very weird if you had no stimuli towards a belief in something that goes beyond happenings in everyday life. the way you deal with it and what you decided to do with such a feeling are of course something else entirely: not believing in god and not being involved in any religion do not imply that the surmentioned needs are not in you in any way.

originally posted by thanatos
Why do you think people has to find a meaning for their life through faith or religion?

mainly because it is the only place still enshrouded in mistery, therefore one is driven to the thought that some answers might be where no one can see clearly yet.
you see, if i look for meaning in something that ends the moment i die, i'm bound to feel some measure of disappointment: my career will end when i retire; money are tools to buy things that make me happy, but still undone; love can fill my soul for hours on end, but then family-life creeps in with all its habits...
so the obvious place to look for some kind of explanation that somehow puts everything into its place is transcendence. metaphisics. philosophy. theosophy.
i don't think such an explanation does exist either, but i don't feel this is enough reason to stop looking anyway. ;)

originally posted by thanatos
why should we bother to find a meaning?

it kinda comes natural, really. even those who accept things the way they are have some small triggers in their minds to cope with the blatant unfairness and uncomprehensibility of it all. i know you'll probably tell me you're not looking for any meaning. i don't go around barbecuing my brains over the meaning of life either, but still the way each of us chooses to use his/her intelligence (fr those who have some) has direction and purpose, and it seeks direction and purpose in its objects, to be complete and matching.

originally posted by thanatos
A lot of people choose to embrace them because it's easier to have the purpose of your life set by them and therefore they don't have to use their brains and live a mediocre life...

true. a lot of ppl embrace heavy metal because they think it's something that's cool to be part of and it tells a lot of reassuring lies about not belonging and being an outcast. however, i don't think anybody on this board will tell you heavy metal is useless or dumb in itself.

rahvin. (end of chupi part 1)
Yep. Answering Thanatos, there's an explanation in a psychological way. But I'll make it easier: just think the process of telling a lie. Your mind finds a reason to hide the truth, and your mouth lets allow out a nasty lie. :grin: Then, your mind knows that you're hiding the truth, and its usual equilibrium begins to fall... Your mind needs an equilibrium, so its first try is to justify your act through a more or less consistent explanation. This means your brain cannot think simply you're doing bad things without a reason, because the nasty act needs a justification to don't "crash" with the fact you're a bad child, if you know what I mean.

In the same way, criminals could know they're doing bad things, but their mind justify their acts thinking the fault comes from the life itself (conditions, education, bad treatements...) and becoming free of consideer guilty themselves.

Soooo, and that's the point, your mind needs that equilibrium to live each day and fight against your fears. Life could be big and scary, if we remind the unknown points and mystery the life is surrounded. So, religions use to share a common explanation and you can change the light from darkness. One step out from unknowns mysteries, one step closer to the mind's equilibrium.

Remark I don't try to despise religions, I only replied Thanatos the reason why ppl embrance certain beliefs. Who doesn't feel hope in his heart doesn't see any future. Obviously, the church could be a social center, a membership where you can find certain integration.

@Rahvin: I think heavy metal in an extreme point is soooo dumb in itself (just see a Manowar photo, or try with Immortal "the blackiest ones") :grin:

|ngenius (who finds too hard to make a post writing the whole psychological explanation, but who is so interested on this kind of subjects)
some more personal replies:


originally posted by soulscar
I find it hard to understand that sheer coincidence should have created such biochemical miracles like advanced lifeforms are - "advanced" including anything more complex than the most simple bacteria.

of all opinions expressed on this thread, i find yours is the one i can relate closest to. i usually doubt the 'sheer coincidence theory', too, but in the end i don't think that it tells us that much about god's existence anyway.
here the dichotomy seems to be between chaotic and preordained, where the latter implies a will and therefore someone to own that will. however, this is an over-simplification of (for lack of a better word) celestial mechanics. for instance, wouldn't it be possible for god to impose sheer coincidence, if he wishes so? of course it would, because it's in god's definition that he does have the powers to do everything and nothing at the same time. so he might as well be the one who called himself out in the first place and decided that creation had to go with the flow of randomness. that wouldn't make him less godly.
on the other hand, if we accept that chaos itself is not proof of god's non-existence, we have to somewhat relate to the concept that order doesn't really prove otherwise.
up to a point, i second misanthrope's opinion that order is perceived by human kind more than it is anything else. the realization of the one turn of events we experience impresses upon us the feeling that this turn of events is somewhat peculiar and organized.
however, no matter how small the chances were for something more complex than bacteria to pop up, this is the only world/possibility/pattern we have seen. and for us - the observers - to actually stop to think 'hey, how clever, that trilobytes idea!', just that pattern and no one else had to be taken.
so it is likely that, speaking in metaphors, down another corridor of sheer coincidence, something else entirely is thinking right now how unique and peculiar is the turn of events that led it to think just that. it is indeed unique and peculiar, but the order it's not the cause, rather the effect of such uniqueness.

originally posted by soulscar
But I still believe that most Christian values absolutely make sense as a code of social behaviour, ie as far as they are the basis of European ethical values.

i do agree, although i'm not sure about most. it is a product of senseless distortion that induces some non-christian ppl to deny such values as a whole - often only in their speech - without taking into consideration that some of them just stem from common sense and peaceful living, and this is why they were created in the first place, with or without god above.
i find extremely narrow-minded to question the love-your-neighbour principle on the basis of pretense of conflicting ideologies.

originally posted by soulscar
Perhaps religion is just the outcome of man's ability to foresee his own death?

i think most animals can have mental projections of their (moment of) death. of course they might have religious beliefs too, but supposing they don't, i think what really drives mankind towards religion is the ability of man to think i. to cut a long story short, in my opinion self-conscience is exclusive to humans (on this planet, as far as we know) and it's linked to our intuitions about what lies beyond life and the meaning of it all, in the way that questions that might impress order over randomness become very important in a mind that knows to be a mind with reasoning skills.

@ rahvin: I have a question. On the topic:-

1) If god were to created man, would he have created his own worshiper? Thus those that he created must obey his every words. Living those with no other option to choose their own religion.

2) If man was to created god (in term that god never exist), would we have foretold our own future. Life & death, heaven & hell.
@ rahvin: I have a question. On the topic:-

1) If god were to created man, would he have created his own worshiper? Thus those that he created must obey his every words. Living those with no other option to choose their own religion.

2) If man was to created god (in term that god never exist), would we have foretold our own future. Life & death, heaven & hell. Writen by man himself to serve us as bedtime story. Is this posible?

i'm not sure i got your point, but i'll give it a try anyway. if i say anything unrelated to your questions just break me up with a bucket of water. ;)

let's say god does exist and he created mankind. the reasons for this are said to be obscure (at best) by most religions, and i'll gladly leave it at that: there might be endless speculations about why he didn't do something that might look more clever or interesting or useful, but we're still thinking as men and women and we're possibly missing something of his plan. moreover, how can we judge what might be god's best interest? a bunch of worshippers or blood-minded infidels or cynical atheists? would that make any difference for him? is he in for the money, so to speak, or is there even a reason at all why he did all this?

let's say mankind made that god thing up. i don't see how life/death issues might be compared to heaven/hell issues or to our future at all, but as far as bedtimes stories go, yes, it's quite possible in my opinion that concepts such as those you mentioned are being conceived and used as tranquillizers or (random) foretelling. but i still think this could happen both if they were real and utterly false, as far as cold facts go.

yet another personal reply (hoping somebody still bothers to read these :u-huh: )

originally posted by serenla
The faith, the feeling and ethics are something very different from the metaphysical concept of a god who gave us the life.

i tend to agree about ethics and - partly - about emotions. but i reckon faith and metaphisical concepts are just about the same thing, unless you'd rather imply that not all faith is in a lifegiving god. which might be true, but i wasn't assuming any such thing when starting the thread.

however, the experience you told us about is more closely related to aesthetics than anything else you mentioned. true, there is a whole world of feelings revolving around aesthetics, but i don't really see it as a third option in a man-god relationship, mostly because it is not exclusive to an approach to god. on the other hand, both faith and religion are extremely god-oriented.

I belive in a god.....
Life without any higher powers would be fucking boring..........but that´s just my opinion....
guess what? yep, even though no one cares i'm still posting personal replies to those who took part on this thread. am i boring or what? :p


originally posted by misanthrope
most of the time it comes straight from the Moral principles that the Religion creates. This is why we see alot of unreasonable laws

although this might be true on general principles, morals are not based on groundless invention. all major "religious" codes of ethics base their principles over sensible data, even though of course we may argue whether such data is still up-to-date or not.
for instance, laws against gay weddings and abortion are not unreasonable as such, merely (maybe) tied to a time and a place that are no more.
moreover, even laws accepting such things have to be based over some kind of moral principles, although the fact that you - and i, for instance - believe they are more sound than the other would make you call said principles 'common sense'.

originally posted by misanthrope
there are no rules. What we humans percieve as rules are nothing but mere observations on how some events happen to be similar if they are under similar circunstances.

i find 'observations on how some events happen to be similar' quite a good definition of a rule. why are you bent on trying to prove unchangeable rules do not exist? this is pretty clear in itself. physics are not implying the observations we make will stay the same forever, or that they are anything more than guidelines to approach the universe.
there is no religious belief connect to the fact that if i drop a 50-ton mallet over your head, the mallet falls because of gravity and then you'll be sorry. there is nothing telling us that the hideous falling will take place until the end of time. however, it is a good decision not to stand under a 50-ton mallet about to be released from a firm grip. and i'm sure you tend to avoid throwing yourself out of the window in an effort to prove gravity wrong.

originally posted by misanthrope
I dont feel a need or a reason nor do i search a meaning, to me there is no meaning. It sounds complicated but im just a careless person living at random without regrets.

i reckon the 'lack of meaning' theory is a way to impress meaning over one's own life as much as any other. by deciding that the universe is random (although you said yourself that it's silly to draw inferences by looking at a tiny portion of it) you cast it in its place and don't allow room for changes: if everything is spinning meaninglessly, then it makes no difference what comes up in the end, and so we might as well say the universe stands constantly still.

originally posted by misanthrope
This is exactly why im on the "its only on your mind" side of the matter, i understand its a necesity and i think both science and spritualism are completly arrogant stupid and pointless.

here is where i really don't follow you anymore. in a totally materialistic, mankind-centred approach to life and the universe - where spiritualism is stupid - the fact that "it's only in our mind" should be a happy thought indeed. a good thing, the product of man's everyday intelligence and wit. so why are you bashing it, exactly? if in your view it doesn't come from gods of projections of the self, or metaphisics, it should be everything you want it to be: random and meaningless. so - well - quite good in your book, i take it. :confused:

rahvin. (calling for help)
Originally posted by rahvin
guess what? yep, even though no one cares i'm still posting personal replies to those who took part on this thread. am i boring or what? :p


although this might be true on general principles, morals are not based on groundless invention. all major "religious" codes of ethics base their principles over sensible data, even though of course we may argue whether such data is still up-to-date or not.
for instance, laws against gay weddings and abortion are not unreasonable as such, merely (maybe) tied to a time and a place that are no more.
moreover, even laws accepting such things have to be based over some kind of moral principles, although the fact that you - and i, for instance - believe they are more sound than the other would make you call said principles 'common sense'.

i find 'observations on how some events happen to be similar' quite a good definition of a rule. why are you bent on trying to prove unchangeable rules do not exist? this is pretty clear in itself. physics are not implying the observations we make will stay the same forever, or that they are anything more than guidelines to approach the universe.
there is no religious belief connect to the fact that if i drop a 50-ton mallet over your head, the mallet falls because of gravity and then you'll be sorry. there is nothing telling us that the hideous falling will take place until the end of time. however, it is a good decision not to stand under a 50-ton mallet about to be released from a firm grip. and i'm sure you tend to avoid throwing yourself out of the window in an effort to prove gravity wrong.

i reckon the 'lack of meaning' theory is a way to impress meaning over one's own life as much as any other. by deciding that the universe is random (although you said yourself that it's silly to draw inferences by looking at a tiny portion of it) stands constantly still. you cast it in its place and don't allow room for changes: if everything is spinning meaninglessly, then it makes no difference what comes up in the end, and so we might as well say the universe

here is where i really don't follow you anymore. in a totally materialistic, mankind-centred approach to life and the universe - where spiritualism is stupid - the fact that "it's only in our mind" should be a happy thought indeed. a good thing, the product of man's everyday intelligence and wit. so why are you bashing it, exactly? if in your view it doesn't come from gods of projections of the self, or metaphisics, it should be everything you want it to be: random and meaningless. so - well - quite good in your book, i take it. :confused:

rahvin. (calling for help)

A few points/observations/replies:

-Rules: Agreed, but the word is as badly used as the word nothing and i was pointing the irony. And your example a little bit one sided cause you are involving personal stuff in and all objetivity is lost. Your ideas about science are the ideas one would expect to hear in your typical science geek person, however they indulge in the human side ( as you just did trowing a life threating situation ) obscures all objetivity living nothing but arrogance wich is usually acceptable in the science comunity. I like mocking that arrogance.

-Lack of meaning: This is just so simple you do not understand it. I fail to see the meaning in not searching or believing in a meaning as you suggest. I am not deciding the universe is random, is not my decision to believe or force myself into something, is my decision to NOT forcing myself into anything what makes me believe nothing, until something can be proof beyond any doubt i could consider it. For comfort reasons i dont go out seeking proof to existance myself because is a tiredsome process that leaves little to none satisfaction to me. The comfort part is the only real choise im making here, your asumptions saying i treat the universe as if it were standing still are ridiculous, just because i dont waste my time on uncovering its secrets and being an arrogant son of a bitch that thinks that could know it all it doesnt means that i force myself into not doing so, it comes naturally. The way i conduct my life is not so much an ideology but more of a feeling.

-Spiritualism: I bash it cause i consider it pointless. Not because is a product of the human mind its good, not everything that comes out of the intellect has to be intelligent and i believe this is the case. The human mind makes MISTAKES and i believe that spiritualism is one of the biggest it makes, again its escencially the lost of all objetivity in favor of favoring weakness and fear that causes a need that is not real, such weakness creates the need that spiritualism has becomed, something that everyone could well do without if they didnt have a weakness in the first place. Insecurity and fear makes us wonder about our existance taking us into the realms of spiritualism, when everyone can realize that you do not need a meaning in life to be happy and overcome your fears, spiritualism will die.
To give you my background, I was born and raised in the Roman Catholic religion. I am also a very rational and scientific minded person (In my proffesional life I'm a chemical engineer - if that gives you any idea :spin: ). There was a period where when I first left home that I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out if Catholicism was right for me and here is what I conlcuded:

As far as a higher power goes, it was clear TO ME that there must be one, whether you recognize it as God or not. Evolution of our sepecies from bacteria living on Earth millions of years ago is a reasonable assumption to me. But that bacteria, as well as the atoms that made up that bacteria, had to have come from somewhere. It was clear TO ME therefore that the source, call it what you will, is what I believe to be God. The mystery behind it is just part of the Awesome nature of God. So, was satisfied that God must be real.

I then began to think about how the Roman Catholic Church fit in (as briefly as possible:p). From an analytical stand point, it just made the most sense. God made his presence known to the Jews. Made sense. Jesus's presence was made known to the Jews and the R.C. church was formed. Made sense. Traditions and customs changed from region to region (which I attribute to a lack of effective communication at that time) and the church split between Orthadox and RC. Made sense. Poeple were disatisfied with the way the church was run, so they formed protestant churches. At this point, it stopped making sense to me. I can completely sympathize with people being disatisfied with the R.C. church (especially at that time). However, by leaving the R.C. church, you would no longer have access to the vast pool of knowledge created through the work of scholars over the centuries. So, I decided to stick with the R.C. church, but make decisions, as educated as possibly, for myself about what rules and doctrines to follow. This made sense.

The R.C church, as well as any other large and old religion, is not able to change overnight. Therefore, as the people of the world more rapidly become more enlightened, the church will struggle to keep up. This to me is an obvious flaw that I am content to deal with.

Religious exteremists and those that blindly follow often give big religion a bad name. But there will always be people like that in religion or any other social entity. Thinking for yourself and being open to new information is the key to a solid, positive religious faith IMHO.

*Disclaimer - I'm just talking about my road to faith here, I mean no disrepest towards any other religions and I apologize in advance if any was taken! :)
Originally posted by fueledbymetal
God made his presence known to the Jews. Made sense. Jesus's presence was made known to the Jews and the R.C. church was formed. Made sense. Traditions and customs changed from region to region (which I attribute to a lack of effective communication at that time) and the church split between Orthadox and RC. Made sense.
Just a small correction the way _i_ see it: After Jesus came, the church was created, not the RC one. After the schism, church split into RC and Orthodox. :)

Siren (orthodox :p)
Originally posted by fueledbymetal
To give you my background, I was born and raised in the Roman Catholic religion. I am also a very rational and scientific minded person (In my proffesional life I'm a chemical engineer - if that gives you any idea :spin: ). There was a period where when I first left home that I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out if Catholicism was right for me and here is what I conlcuded:

As far as a higher power goes, it was clear TO ME that there must be one, whether you recognize it as God or not. Evolution of our sepecies from bacteria living on Earth millions of years ago is a reasonable assumption to me. But that bacteria, as well as the atoms that made up that bacteria, had to have come from somewhere. It was clear TO ME therefore that the source, call it what you will, is what I believe to be God. The mystery behind it is just part of the Awesome nature of God. So, was satisfied that God must be real.

I then began to think about how the Roman Catholic Church fit in (as briefly as possible:p). From an analytical stand point, it just made the most sense. God made his presence known to the Jews. Made sense. Jesus's presence was made known to the Jews and the R.C. church was formed. Made sense. Traditions and customs changed from region to region (which I attribute to a lack of effective communication at that time) and the church split between Orthadox and RC. Made sense. Poeple were disatisfied with the way the church was run, so they formed protestant churches. At this point, it stopped making sense to me. I can completely sympathize with people being disatisfied with the R.C. church (especially at that time). However, by leaving the R.C. church, you would no longer have access to the vast pool of knowledge created through the work of scholars over the centuries. So, I decided to stick with the R.C. church, but make decisions, as educated as possibly, for myself about what rules and doctrines to follow. This made sense.

The R.C church, as well as any other large and old religion, is not able to change overnight. Therefore, as the people of the world more rapidly become more enlightened, the church will struggle to keep up. This to me is an obvious flaw that I am content to deal with.

Religious exteremists and those that blindly follow often give big religion a bad name. But there will always be people like that in religion or any other social entity. Thinking for yourself and being open to new information is the key to a solid, positive religious faith IMHO.

*Disclaimer - I'm just talking about my road to faith here, I mean no disrepest towards any other religions and I apologize in advance if any was taken! :)

God you are the most stupid fucking idiot ive seen.

You sir, are everything i fucking hate in religion resumed into one annoying and plain out fucking dumb post.

First of all you give us your patetic atempt to look smart saying you are a science man, wich only makes you look more stupid since no racional mind can believe in god and irracional minds have no place in science.

Second of all, after giving us the typical chatolic attitude of "Im better than you but im not allowed to openly say it like that i must hide like the stupid rat i am" you proceed to say there must be a god because you are too fucking lazy to think about a better explanation. So much for your science.

Then you proceed onward onto the realms of stupidity saying God presented himself to the jews, thats about the most elitist thing ive ever heard. You are better off saying god created everyone but everyone but the jews was a big mistake cause he had to ask the jews to ilustrate everyone else. Thats just as dumb as saying black people are inferior and it has no place here, you cannot hide behind politically correctness your views claims god is a racist and you better accept it cause is so self evident everyone should see it as you do.

And last but no least you take your precautions, you know ( whenever you are concious of it or not ) this kind of response was due to happen and you try to take cover and make everyone who flames your stupid fucking commet look like a bitter asshole who is picking a fight, thats a big mistake because im actually AM a bitter asshole who is picking fights so you can go ahead and put the other cheeck so i can knock the rest of your fucking teeth out.

Your entire comment shows deep disrespect and intolerance towards the ideas of others in a very coward way hiding behind goodness, i can expect nothing less from a stupid catholic but i do however wish you knew what you are getting into cause you cannot expect anything less from me than this either.