Falling Asleep/Dreaming to Opeth

I'm not familiar with this man Frosties, I'll look him up.

It's a concept album by the band Dredg dedicated to sleep paralysis.

"I think I'm awake
Rolling on my blanket
I am sinking into the bed
Light around me
Beautful washes of pulsating color
Buzzing white noise
It sounds like one hundred bees

I too once thought the radio played
Let's act like children while we sleep paralyzed

You control it
Body's asleep
And your mind is awake

Beautiful song, beautiful album.
The first ever time I listened to Blackwater Park, I was on a bus and was weary like hell, so I fell half asleep (more like 3/4 asleep, actually). But when it came to the end of the album, I liked the ending riff ("sick liaisons....") so fucking much that I woke up :)

lol 'i loved it so much that i woke up'

It's a concept album by the band Dredg dedicated to sleep paralysis.

"I think I'm awake
Rolling on my blanket
I am sinking into the bed
Light around me
Beautful washes of pulsating color
Buzzing white noise
It sounds like one hundred bees

I too once thought the radio played
Let's act like children while we sleep paralyzed

You control it
Body's asleep
And your mind is awake

Beautiful song, beautiful album.

Hmm yes Scissor Lock, the lyrics are great but it's my least favorite song from El Cielo. I'm quite partial to Eighteen People Living In Harmony, Whoa is Me and the Canyon Behind Her.
^ i think ive heard something about this sleep paralysis thing before, although im not quite sure. from what i remember its caused by a chemical thats released to the body (or the brain, cant remember long time ago) that relaxs it and 'puts it to sleep', so to say. the problem arises when the brain wakes up but the body reacted slower, meaning the mind realises the paralysis and causes you to panic. i remember reading someone on another forum writing about it a few years ago.

i looked it up and aparantly it is similar to REM atonia, another form of paralysis in which the body emits a chemical compound to submit the muscles so they dont work during the night. interesting stuff, although i cant remember if ive ever experienced it. the only real thing that has happened to me related to paralysis is sleeping on my hand and then being unable to move it in the morning lol, had to shake it and rub it until blood re entered

although you said you cant breathe at all which is strange...the stuff i was talking about apparantly doesnt restrict oxygen intake because its a natural occurence during sleepytime

Sleep Paralysis is freaky shit...
Hmm yes Scissor Lock, the lyrics are great but it's my least favorite song from El Cielo. I'm quite partial to Eighteen People Living In Harmony, Whoa is Me and the Canyon Behind Her.

Aside from The Canyon Behind Her, it's probably my favorite track there - but there really isn't a weak song on that album. Can't get enough of it, even now, over a year since I bought it.
I had a dream I was at a circus of psycho clowns, I was under a big circus tent they were all trying to kill me with weird objects like elephant poles and axes. I couldnt kill them, they wouldnt die but somehow I started flying and just took off.
i think i experienced sleep paralysis a few times and dismissed it as nightmares, too. im just lying there in my room and i cant move and i had a general feeling that someone is about to come in through the door and i cant react. after no idea how long its like i make an effort big enough to rise and it ends