Fanboy Obsessions


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
So I'm sure a lot of us have vast catalogUEs of various bands, but how many have you gone completely apeshit over and purchased even the lunch pail edition?

Glenn Danzig
I have 3 boxsets, 3 posters, and no less than 25 CDs ranging from the Misfits, Samhain, Danzig, and solo stuff. At least this stuff I've been collecting for over 10 years.

King Crimson
In the just over 2 years I have been listening to them, I have since purchased 20 CDs, including 2 boxsets. Granted, if I was a true Crimso fanboy I would own all of the official bootlegs, but I know if I buy one I would probably buy them all, and I can't even count that high.

I have only been listening to Ulver for just under a year, but I own every release of theirs (that I know of) except the 7" split and the Trilogie boxset. Ondes Triumph is soon to be in the mail.
Iron Maiden? I have every album except Live At Donington (cos it sucks), including every 80s album on vinyl. Bout half of all the singles they ever released (the last four on all formats), at least half a dozen tapes and DVDs, Eddie's Archive, four or five shirts, four soon to be five live experiences, and at least two dozen posters of some form or another on my bedroom walls :p

Say what you want about everything else, but the posters are a true sign of a fanboy! Especially if they're cut out from Kerrap!
I really don't have any fanboy obsessions. Sure, there are some bands that I have every album, but I have zero posters, and only three band t-shirts.
Only three? Last time I checked I think I had 17 :p might've lost some in the wash though...
I have lots of shirts, I'm not even going to try counting 'em... Not too many with any particular band though I have three Dark Tranquillity ones... Anyway, I have basically everything Dark Tranquillity and Tiamat (until they started sucking) have released.
I heard a couple of tracks today. Yes, it sounds slightly better but as far as I'm concerned the damage's been done already. Tiamat is dead for me. This is like Celtic Frost releasing "Vanity/Nemesis" after "Cold Lake": too little, too late.
I have a few shirts that I buy at the occasional show (Opeth, Nile, Amon Amarth) and there are a few bands where I'll own all their albums: Opeth, Amon Amarth, Edguy, Negura Bunget, Amorphis, Emperor to name but a few.

[Actually, I still don't have the latest Amorphis, and I refuse to pay $21 for it.]

Oh yeah, I have Eddies Archive - I think the material in there is very worthy indeed.
Many years ago I had a huge obsession with Iron Maiden patches! I used to own a denim jacket that was covered with their patches. I wore it everywhere I went. I used to buy the patches and get my Mum to machine stitch it onto the jacket. I eventually gave my jacket to someone at university who couldn't afford to buy a jacket - it was winter - and I wanted to shrug the image of the silly skinny Indian, big black glasses with a shrine on my back. Funny that - I never quite managed to shrug the rest of the image off.
I’m a huge Agalloch fanboy. I think they are probably my favorite band at this point (just due to the amount of time I spend listening to their albums. I actually bought Sculptured’s “Apollo Ends” off eBay for a little under 20 bucks simply because it had the signature of all the members of Agalloch. I getting pretty pissed off though because I bought it at the end of September and it hasn’t arrived. To add insult to injury, the son of a bitch hasn’t even answered any of my e-mails. If I don’t get it soon I’m going to notify eBay. I have all their albums, the MCD, and the 7”. In hindsight, I really wish I would have bought “The Mantle” package The End had when it was being released; I guess I just thought that they would always restock the shirts. Oh, how I was sadly mistaken.

I’m also becoming a big Ulver and Dargaard fanboy, but nowhere near where I am with Agalloch.
I'm also an Agalloch fanboy. I have everything they've released officially including the demo and 7". I also have two Nothing albums and am getting the Sculptured discs soon. I should've bought a shirt as well, but I didn't really like the design.
haha, I bought the Agalloch package from The End. The shirt is grey, and it's pretty cool I think. Good quote on the back. As I understand it, the shirt I have is very rare. eBay perhaps? or anyone wanna buy it for $100? hahaha

Dargaard rules you all.

As for being a fanboy, I never saw the point. Posters are a waste. Never was big into wearing metal shirts because all the people I see that do wear them are doing so strictly for shock value, then if you question them about why they wear them, it's because they are "expressing themelves". What a load. Oh, and combat boots are fucking stupid. Go to war if you wanna wear them.

I guess if I had to label myself a fanboy, it would be for the bands Arcane Sun, Neurosis, or Graveland. But I don't own any of their shirts, demos, rare vinyls or anything. Just their CDs
Dreamlord said:
Posters are a waste.
Would you believe this wacky concept of "decoration?" People actually put stuff in places solely because of their aesthetic value, to make stuff and places more interesting & nicer to look at. Some people have avatars on message boards, Some people use background images on their computers, some people have flowers in the yard and curtains at the windows. Some hang paintings or posters on their walls, reproductions of classical art or album covers perhaps... I can't for the life of me understand why. I mean, what's wrong with concrete anyway?

I don't have any "shocking" metal shirts. Well, maybe the three inverted crosses on my Grotesque shirt could potentially upset some Christian cunts, but shit happens. Heh.

Also, combat boots would be fucking nifty. I don't have any, but I'm planning to buy a pair because they're fucking cheap, fucking sturdy and I hate having to buy a new pair of shoes every third year or so. Also they work both in winter and summer. Having separate winter and summer shoes is pretty fucking gay.
I don't own many shirts, I figure $15 for a shirt is what I could put towards one of the band's CDs instead.

Combat boots own, I wear mine all winter as they are extremely comfortable, great for hiking, and highly water resistant. Unless Dr. Martens are not considered combat boots, I dunno. Oh yeah, and they last forever, unlike any other pair of shoes I've ever had.
Erik said:
Would you believe this wacky concept of "decoration?" People actually put stuff in places solely because of their aesthetic value, to make stuff and places more interesting & nicer to look at.
Of course I understand decoration. I'm about to have to decorate an entire house. But I don't think I'll be placing Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, and Exhumed posters on my living room walls any time soon. I don't find those "interesting & nicer to look at." I guess my tastes in art differ from some peoples, as I don't find a picture of a guy playing in his own intestines very stimulating.

Also, combat boots would be fucking nifty. I don't have any, but I'm planning to buy a pair because they're fucking cheap, fucking sturdy and I hate having to buy a new pair of shoes every third year or so. Also they work both in winter and summer. Having separate winter and summer shoes is pretty fucking gay.
Buy Kenneth Cole's.
NAD said:
Combat boots own, I wear mine all winter as they are extremely comfortable, great for hiking, and highly water resistant. Unless Dr. Martens are not considered combat boots, I dunno. Oh yeah, and they last forever, unlike any other pair of shoes I've ever had.
I don't consider Doc Martens as combat boots. Combat boots lace up a lot higher, and come strictly in black (last time I looked. I'm sure Hot Topic has some neon purple ones by now).

Doc Martens are very comfortable. Of course, I haven't worn any for probably 4 years.

I'm talking about combat boots. You know, the black boots that the twats at metal shows like to wear? THe ones that they stick their camouflage pants into? ugh... Go to fucking war.
Dreamlord said:
Of course I understand decoration. I'm about to have to decorate an entire house. But I don't think I'll be placing Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, and Exhumed posters on my living room walls any time soon. I don't find those "interesting & nicer to look at." I guess my tastes in art differ from some peoples, as I don't find a picture of a guy playing in his own intestines very stimulating.
Oh, but you generalize too much... Who said everyone with posters has Cannibal Corpse etc? I, for one, have Anathema "Eternity":

and Katatonia "Tonight's Decision":

Now I don't know about you but I find them quite beautiful and decorative...