Fastest metal band?

Has anyone here heard Man Must Die/Regorge? I think that the drummer for those bands plays faster blastbeats that any other drummer I've heard, especially in Man Must Die (a fucking amazing band, I might add).
Thraxz said:
Stormwarrior is pretty fucking fast for a melodic band.

Life Sucks said:
Has anyone here heard Man Must Die/Regorge? I think that the drummer for those bands plays faster blastbeats that any other drummer I've heard, especially in Man Must Die (a fucking amazing band, I might add).

Man Must Die is one of my favs. His blast beats are quite unique but I've heard faster.
In terms of drums I still say Flo (Cryptopsy). I think he's faster than Derek Roddy, who said he could do about 260 on a 'good day'. Nick Barker is good, but maybe a bit overrated in terms of speed, but I like his style better. Frost is really good, his efforts have really only come within the past few years though, he said prior to that he just didn't care about drums - Frost is my favourite drummer. Reno Killerich is also very good - he re-joined Panzerchrist...and or course, there's many more great drummers.

As for The Berzerker's drummer. That whole thing about setting some kind of world record.....I also heard that, but I also heard that was completely made up. I believe they use their drummer but also drum machines and samples etc. - I downloaded their 2005 release, and that's what it sounds like to me.
I'm just saying that naming non-Metal bands in a "Fastest Metal Band" thread is out and out stupid.