Favorite guitar tone from Andy Sneap?

I hadn't heard Dead Heart in a Dead World or This Godless Endeavor until today (not the best quality tho, youtube), thoose tones sound reeeally great!
My first exposure to Nevermore was their DHIADW album, and the same with Arch Enemy's "Wages of Sin", and Testament's "The Gathering" album. I think i'm partial to those particular guitar tones simply because that was my first real exposure to any of those bands.

I also really enjoy Sneap's production on Trivium's "Ascendancy", Machine Head's "Through the Ashes...", as well as his work with Into Eternity's "The Scattering of Ashes", and Killswitch's "The end of heartache".
Holy Shit, I had no idea ANYONE else knew about that album, that makes just me and you then:lol:
Shame they broke up years ago, they made cool stuff.

Not at all. I've got Lo Definition Dischord and Off Kilter Enhancement as well. Neither are as good as Arc Tangent, song or production-wise.

Sneap also did one of the other albums as well, although I'm sure the budget was super small and it sounds very, very raw.
im really liking his more recent tones... exodus exhibit b is tops for me. dark roots of the earth and disarm the descent are also up there imo.
There is no bad tone coming out of the Sneap productions, even POD stuff sounds great.

But there is one guitar sound that I probably like more than any other, that's Tempo of the damned.
Dunno...i honestly like all the tones. Favorite ... DHIADW + The Gathering. Yep.
My favorite tone used to be Alive Or Just Breathing, but now its the Megadeth album Endgame. I am so in love with how that record came out.
I allready thought that the tone on "arch enemy-anthems of rebellion" was sick when it came out back then. and at that point I wasn't interested in AE yet, and only started to really switch to e-guitar from classical guitar.
Really surprised when I read that it was a marshall 1960AV cab...haven't been in love with them too much most of the time so far!

"devildriver-last kind words" has been my fav for a while too.
"exodus-exhibit a" is really sick
"testament-dark roots of earth" also
the new amon amarth seems to be kicking some serious ass too

Can't think of a sneap tone I don't dig right now.
Trivium - Ascendancy
Devildriver - Last Kind words
And of course, End of Heartache