Favorite metal vocalists?

Maynard James Keenan
Phil Anselmo
Kirk Windstein
Neil Fallon
Mikael Akerfeldt

are the first that spring to mind.

oh and bruce dickinson. i'm not a big maiden fan but i saw them live and loved every single second of it.
As was stated in the controversial opinions (or whatever it was) thread, he can be nasal on occasion but anyone denying his mad vocal skillz as a whole fails at metal. In addition to him...

Jon Oliva
John Arch
John Stewart (Slauter Xstroyes)
Mark Antoni (Realm)
Keith Deen (Holy Terror)
I love Marcolin's theatrical approach, but Langquist gets a vote as well for his performance on the debut.

Langquist is my favorite Candlemass vocalist tbh. Wish he'd have stayed.

Nah I'm referring to the fact that any educated, trained singer would recognize him as talented.

Talented? Yes. Doesn't make his voice any less fucking annoying though.

STN said:
Bruce isn't nasal at all you retard. Dave Mustaine is nasal. Get a clue.
Yes he is.
Explain the difference between an uneducated, trained vocalist and an educated, untrained vocalist.

having undergone education: educated people.
characterized by or displaying qualities of culture and learning.
based on some information or experience: an educated estimate of next year's sales.


–verb (used with object)
to develop or form the habits, thoughts, or behavior of (a child or other person) by discipline and instruction: to train an unruly boy.
to make proficient by instruction and practice, as in some art, profession, or work: to train soldiers.
to make (a person) fit by proper exercise, diet, practice, etc., as for an athletic performance.
to discipline and instruct (an animal), as in the performance of tasks or tricks.
to treat or manipulate so as to bring into some desired form, position, direction, etc.: to train one's hair to stay down.

–verb (used without object)
to give the discipline and instruction, drill, practice, etc., designed to impart proficiency or efficiency.
to undergo discipline and instruction, drill, etc.
to get oneself into condition for an athletic performance through exercise, diet, practice, etc.
I am flummoxed by the strength of your well thought out rebuttal.

>implying that "no hes not ur a retard lol" is a strong, well thought out rebuttal

>implying that "no hes not ur a retard lol" is a strong, well thought out rebuttal

You have conveniently chosen to ignore the fact that I provided an example of a nasal vocalist


*I have no idea why we're doing text colouring and adding random gifs, but I'll go with it
You have conveniently chosen to ignore the fact that I provided an example of a nasal vocalist


*I have no idea why we're doing text colouring and adding random gifs, but I'll go with it

You high, nigga?

Bringing up another nasal vocalist doesn't really negate what I said, but whatever you say duder. :lol:
You high, nigga?

Bringing up another nasal vocalist doesn't really negate what I said, but whatever you say duder. :lol:

Compare Mustaine's vocals with Dickinsons. As you can clearly hear, Mustaine basically sings through the top of his head. There is no diaphragm in the equation at all. Everything is snarled. Dickinson may wail, but he's singing from his diaphragm. Don't confuse wailing with nasality.