Favorite unhealthy food!


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
What is your favorite meal/dish/snack that you realize if you ate it everyday you would die within a year. I choose bacon. BACON!!!










Erik said:
Fat + proteins + carbs + whatever the fuck else = who cares

Yeh, I prefer people who don't give a damn to people who think they are in the know (not directed at anyone here) about what's healthy and what's not. I'm not a puritan when it comes to food, I just acknowledge that there has been progress and new discoveries in the food department the last years. And it tires me that people slag off fat all the time, as fat is more natural and healthy (if used correctly)l than refined grain products, "Done-in-30-seconds" quik meals, etc etc.


My bacon & egg sarnies! So much grease dripping off them, I swear I can feel my arteries harden every time I eat one :)

I'm getting a bit bored of them lately though :(
What the hell is going on with these posts? You guys are all posting healthy fucking foods. Havent you been clued in on nutrition lately- cholestorol is not a big deal, bad fats are much worse than animal fat, and so is sugar.

Steak is a healthy food, wild boar is delicious, and lower in fat than pork, and lamb is equally healthy. Bacon is not terrible for you either, unless you eat it all the time.

Unhealthy food is snackfood, dessert, etc. Or anything not eaten in moderation.

Anyone notice how most vegetarians are fat? Most chicks I know who are vegetarians have gained like 20 lbs since they went vegetarian- they eat nothing but shit, not enough protein, ah well, just an observation from a primitive carnivore.
Lamb is equally healthy? Are you sure? You lived in Greece for some years you should have known.. (yes dont dare to compare the gay way you americans might cook lamb, with our way)
The topic says about FAVOURITE unhealthy food. And i prefer dying from eating LAMB CHOPS than mac donalds.
Marksveld: imagine pure pork meat with lower fat, but greater and stronger taste.
speed said:
Anyone notice how most vegetarians are fat? Most chicks I know who are vegetarians have gained like 20 lbs since they went vegetarian- they eat nothing but shit, not enough protein, ah well, just an observation from a primitive carnivore.
Man, vegetarians are fucking freaks! We're top of the food chain, anything and everything below us is ours to consume as we please. Anything else is just unnatural!

As far as stuff to actually kill you...ok, how about Skittles? Skittles rule. If I ate nothing but those for a year, I'd die, right?