Favorite unhealthy food!

speed said:
What the hell is going on with these posts? You guys are all posting healthy fucking foods. Havent you been clued in on nutrition lately- cholestorol is not a big deal, bad fats are much worse than animal fat, and so is sugar.

Steak is a healthy food, wild boar is delicious, and lower in fat than pork, and lamb is equally healthy. Bacon is not terrible for you either, unless you eat it all the time.

Unhealthy food is snackfood, dessert, etc. Or anything not eaten in moderation.

Anyone notice how most vegetarians are fat? Most chicks I know who are vegetarians have gained like 20 lbs since they went vegetarian- they eat nothing but shit, not enough protein, ah well, just an observation from a primitive carnivore.

This is true. I second this. This thread ends right here. ;)
I Of the Storm: Yeah the soulvaki is always made with whole pieces of fat, Gyros are like processed meat. And whats up with always burning the god damn meat? I'd ask for rare, they give it to me burnt. I was under the impression it may have something to do with inadequate refrigeration practices. I had a whole roasted lamb a few times, it wasnt nearly as fatty- and the cheeks, tongue, and jaw were all quite delicious.

Oh, and it looks like I may be back for another three months this summer, Ill be in Athens a few times, perhaps we can meet and you can attempt to harass me in person?
I'm a bit of a puritan I think: porridge every morning, always vegetables with food (beans, carrots, corn), candy and similar only on weekends, before the snow came I went running every two days and I hardly drink any alochohol. Perhaps that makes me a bore rather than a puritan though :D

My FUH would probably be ice cream or bacon in fact; it's quite fascinating how hard fried slices of pork can become so tasty of their own
Er, all the vegetarians I know are noticeably skinnier than they're supposed to be. One girl who's been a vegetarian since she was about 10 is several inches below her projected height.

Anyway, if we're going by common conceptions of unhealthy food, STEAK. Basically the greatest thing ever. If we're talking stuff that's actually bad for you...probably excessive amounts of Nutella.
speed: you're WAY off on saying cholesterol is not bad. It's EXTREMELY bad. Nothing good can come from high cholesterol, and no, I'm not talking about the occasional eating of the "good" cholesterol foods, a la peanuts, avocado, etc. I'm talking eggs & red fuckin meat cholesterol.

As for my choice for favorite unhealthy food: no doubt, McDonald's Filet O' Fish sandwich! Deep-fried fake fish with cheese & tartar sauce = food of the (unhealthy) gods!

Just ask Ali, he's seen me eat like a dozen of these things.
No, markgugs, I'm afraid you're wrong. There are two types of cholesterol (levels), one of which is bad, the other which isn't that dangerous at all.

My entire family started an Atkins-inspired diet in 2002. Not because we were fat or anything, but because we came to the realisation that it's the way to go. And, do you know what? Our blood tests show that the BAD cholesterol levels in our blood have gone DOWN. Every single one of us also have got better blood pressure and general better blood levels.

We eat eggs and red meat close to every day.

Like I said, we are in the know because we've actually experienced that it works, what with our general health being much better, a perfectly stable blood sugar, etc. Don't slag it off before you've tried it yourself. However, whatever you do, DON'T combine it with lots of carbs.
Actually I was watching Book TV yesterday, and a Doctor who wrote a book condemning the drug industry ( his name will come to me later today) listed a studies that followed 10,000 people for 30 years, not one single person died of bad cholestorol. Apprently its not a big deal, and has been used by the drug companies to promote Lipitor etc. Exercise and moderate drinking etc, are far more important.
Henrik, I did make the distinction between "good" and "bad" cholesterol, and yes, you can certainly eat tons of eggs & red meat (which btw, are chock full of BAD cholesterol) provided you balance that with a low-carb (as you said), high vegetable/fruit (i.e. minerals & vitamins) diet. You cannot just eat eggs & meat with loads of processed, complex carbs. You'll die. It's that simple.

Trust me, high cholesterol has run rampant in my family for a long, long time. Lipitor here I come. :)
markgugs said:
You cannot just eat eggs & meat with loads of processed, complex carbs. You'll die. It's that simple.

This is true, eggs & meat aren't unhealthy per se - only if you combine it with carbs, like you said :) Many people do believe that the whole cholesterol thing has been blown into enormous proportions, though, and as speed pointed out - the medicine industry of course wouldn't want to let go off customers by promoting a healthier way of living (i.e a low carb lifestyle).