follow the reaper, hatebreeder is also a good song. Hate crew deathroll was too. NOt nearly as good as hatebreeder or folow the reaper but sick. AYDY, is the gayest bodom song ive ever heard
It goes:
Follow The Reaper > Hatebreeder > Hate Crew Death Roll > Are You Dead Yet
are you dead yeat is a really weak song. uninspired riffs and a lame chorus.
my vote goes for Follow The Reaper, because it is less "chaotic" than Hatebreeder (which has by far the best solos of all the candidates).
are you dead yeat is a really weak song. uninspired riffs and a lame chorus.
Also as in the entire AYDY album the synthesizers in the back are too faintIt would be so easy to save the album if it was possible to reach the mixer again..