Favourite metal drummers?

Yes, Richard Christy rules, too. He played on the last Death and Control Denied albums. His drumsolos at the beginning of some tracks are pretty awesome.
Only one person mentioned Flo Mounier from Cryptopsy. He gets my vote. Anyone who has not heard Cryptopsy should download some. I recommend "Phobophile".
For some odd reason I feel like mentioning that Gene Hoglan was so impressed with the job of Cryptopsy's drummer at a show that he offered the gent some chicken.
the best heavy metal drummer, IMHO would be Mat Stancioiu from Labÿrinth and Vision divine, is the fastest that i've ever heard.
and for the technique, style and creativity i like Jukka Nevalainen from Nightwish
Originally posted by Hearse
The Kovenants drummer (just amazing kikkailua) :lol:
Nick Parker (Dimmu)
Anders Nordin (opeth's drummer in morningrise & Orchid)
Martin Lopez (opeth)

Anders is one of my favorites, his style is jazzy, simpple and still so amazing! perfect for those albums.

Yeah, Von Blomberg (Hellhammer) drummer of the kovenant and covenant(nexus polaris) is great...kikkailua :lol:
Nick Barker from CoF and Dimmu is a seriously fuckin kick ass drummer. I'm sure what Silenoz said was true, but that's probably cuz Nick aint used to that much fuckin beer the night before a live performance(Most of em have like a fuckin keg's worth before that shit). Silenoz practically gets wasted ON fuckin stage and plays. That's another kind of talent altogether, but criticizing Barker for that shit can only be made by someone who has that type of coordination I suppose. Besides, Dimmu's trance melodies are advanced enough to make you feel like you're dodging traffic in the Autobahn while on speed and meth simultaneously if you're trying to follow a drum beat to that shit while heavily intoxicated. Nick still fuckin kicks ass. I gotta give him that much credit.
Yeah, Barker is fast but I don't know why people praise him as much. There are lots of people faster than him. Lombardo, Hoglan, Sandoval, Hellhammer, Trym etc.
Charlie Benante is good. All of Anthraxs (sic) music is really rhythmoriented and dynamic since he's the main songwriter. Nick Menzas playing on RiP and CtE was badass too.