Yes, it's more than comprehensible...

but it's strange hearing you talking about emotions in a Children of Bodom's song: weren't you that guy once called Authentic Metalhead that time ago said that "you didn't want to remember how much human weakness there is even in music -expecially metal-"? If my memory still works good, you said more or less that... But whatever...
"Children of Bodom" and "Downfall" are great songs, surely! But personally the songs that make me feel as stunned by emotions more than all the others are "Everytime I die", "Angels don't kill" and....yeah, the guitar solo in "Punch me, I bleed" (but don' know why)... it's easier than others, but I love it.
And then, last but not least, surely you'll find me crazy but I feel as an emotional hurricane when I listen to "In the shadows"... I know Alexi and the other guys don't like it anymore, but that song is able to make me scream without opening my mouth... I don't know, it's really inexplicable...