Favourite Song?

┼Victim of the Night┼;5587899 said:
Yes, it's more than comprehensible... :) but it's strange hearing you talking about emotions in a Children of Bodom's song: weren't you that guy once called Authentic Metalhead that time ago said that "you didn't want to remember how much human weakness there is even in music -expecially metal-"? If my memory still works good, you said more or less that... But whatever... :)

That is a moniker I left behind with the arrogant, know-it-all me that once existed. I've come to terms with myself and decided not to fool myself anymore. I do what I feel is right instead of what I think others would think is right.
That is a moniker I left behind with the arrogant, know-it-all me that once existed. I've come to terms with myself and decided not to fool myself anymore. I do what I feel is right instead of what I think others would think is right.

Ok, ok.... I don't know you but if you say so... that's good!
But hey, I didn't told that in a bad way, it was only to see if I remembered right. :) (sorry, I'm always afraid to hurt people...)
Oh yeah, Angels Don't Kill is like one of the best COB songs that make me feel a lot of emotions. WHen you first buy one of the albums, you enjoy all the songs and it sticks to you very much. Then after a while when you get used to it, you can finally choose a fave song. After listening to it so much, then you start getting many feelings, memories, etc. Becuz Angels DOn't Kill is a slow song, you feel every emotion cuz it's just so aggresive. I don't know. Words can't describe how good it is.

Hatbreeder: I really like the solo to COB. It's still one of my fave songs.
Oh yeah, Angels Don't Kill is like one of the best COB songs that make me feel a lot of emotions. WHen you first buy one of the albums, you enjoy all the songs and it sticks to you very much. Then after a while when you get used to it, you can finally choose a fave song. After listening to it so much, then you start getting many feelings, memories, etc. Becuz Angels DOn't Kill is a slow song, you feel every emotion cuz it's just so aggresive. I don't know. Words can't describe how good it is.

You're right... it's required time to get used to a new album, and to be able of pick up some songs as your fav... :)
But, as far as I'm concerned, I am also a very impulsive person, so quite often when I like something -and in this case a song- it's been a sort of love at first sight... but saying "love at first listening" could be more right this time!! ;)
And yes, that happened with "Mask of Sanity", "Hatebreeder", "Silent night, Bodom night" and "Lake Bodom", just to make some examples...
Well, not sweet in the way you may have thought I meant it, but sweet in the American slang term. But now that you mention it...well, I'm not sure. That song, along with "Downfall", make me feel a lot of emotions.

i know exactly what you mean. when i listen to bodom, i can actually feel something inside. cuz i'm very apathetic when it comes to most things around me. music though, is one thing that makes me feel. and honestly, i don't think i've ever been happier in life than when listening to bodom..no person, movie, teacher, class, book has made me feel the way i feel when i listen to Alexi's compositions. so i completely understand what you mean.

although, i don't understand why so many people like "angels don't kill" i find it a bit boring...is it just that everyone thinks the quote in the beginning is cool? must be a psychological thing...
i don't understand why so many people like "angels don't kill" i find it a bit boring...is it just that everyone thinks the quote in the beginning is cool? must be a psychological thing...

Angels Don't Kill is almost a ballad to me... I find it very powerful. I love that song. Sure it's slower than most of their usual songs, but it's still an amazing song imo. I hope someday you're able to come around and fully appreciate that song for it is truly one of their greats (to me)!

And I assure you, the movie quote isn't it. Try looking at the solos/riffs and vocals/lyrics maybe if you're trying to discover why it's so popular amongst fans. You might have an epiphany! :lol:
Angels Don't Kill is almost a ballad to me... I find it very powerful. I love that song. Sure it's slower than most of their usual songs, but it's still an amazing song imo. I hope someday you're able to come around and fully appreciate that song for it is truly one of their greats (to me)!

Totally true! Heartless spoke for me... nothing else to add.
My favourites
-Downfall <--- its a master piece
-Dead night warrior <--- yep, i love it
-In the shadows <--- its very blackish =/
Bed of Razors is what got me into them. That and weeks of listening to them back to back morning and afternoon (she'd play it while we drove to and from school) finally made me listen to metal in a way I never had before. Appreciation sunk in first then a true pure liking of it. Now I listen to Hatebreeder all the time at school. I love Towards Dead End too and Downfall.
Heartless Name: Oh yes! Couldn't have said it any better. Alexi sings that song with so much emotion. Becuz it's slow, it makes everything fit perfectly. I don't think it would have been the best it could be if it was played fast.

Hatebreeder was the last COB album i bought. I think SW and FTR are better though.