1 girl in her cups
Ahahahahaperfecterror said:yeah i was there. where were you in the norva? i was right up front by the gate, close enough to get spit on by alexi...haha.

Ahahahahaperfecterror said:yeah i was there. where were you in the norva? i was right up front by the gate, close enough to get spit on by alexi...haha.
EternalMetal said:then Lamb of God came on, and i have to say i was very impressed. they played so clean and amazing. They were right on. The crowd went totally crazy and the whole place was just crazy pushing. Then their was a good circle pit going on for a little bit. I was about 2 rows back, but in the front and center toward the end of the show. and the last time he crowd surfed i motioned him to jump and he nodded his head and then leapt. That was awesome cause i like had to hold him up. Then we pushed him back on stage.
It was a kickass show. I wish bodoms sound would have been better, but i left happy. Sorry to say, but Bodom was not the highlight of the evening. Except my bro getting the drum stick. I got a drumstick from my favorite band. That was cool. I cant wait for them to come back headlining. I know they will just sound amazing when they get their sound all perfect. They had it really good last time i saw them.
TowardsDeadEnd said:How many Bodom fans were there? I was wondering because there were a ton Saturday.
No they didn't do the Wall of Death on Saturday when I saw them.
That's what throwdown pits are like, if you were there Saturday or Sunday. you go in there and start swinging, and kicking. It's fun.EternalMetal said:how about i make my own pit and start punching people for fun?
They sound like pretty nice guys. I can't get into their music, but people should atleast be polite and respect them while they're up there. It takes balls to get up and play your music in front of a lot of people.plfffffft said:That's what throwdown pits are like, if you were there Saturday or Sunday. you go in there and start swinging, and kicking. It's fun.
Ok, all this disrespect for Throwdown I have to address real quick. First off, they are not metal at all. They're hardcore. Not metalcore(In Flames or At the Gates with breakdowns), straight up hardcore. Heavy punk, basically. Not nu-metal or anything like that.
Second, for more personal reasons, I have to defend them. First off, I wouldn't have gotten into the show on Saturday at all if it wasn't for them. Long story that I don't need to reiterate here, butthey went on stage at 7, and at 6:58 their singer came outside to tell me I was on their guestlist. Besides that, my friend(Dmanxpit on these boards) recently had a friend die in a car crash. Her favorite band was Throwdown. Dmanx talked to the guys before the show, and they were kind enough to dedicate a song to her memory, and while their singer was doing this, everyone was telling him to shut up and get off stage. So if you were one of those people, to you I have this to say. Fuck off. You are not worth the time it's taking me to type this post, and I hope I punched some of you in the face on either night. This is a band whose songs are all about unity, respect, friendship, and family, and they deserved at the very least some respect for getting up and stage and trying to entertain you.
Hilda said:God, did LoG (and Throwdown) suck!
I was trying to put up and see how they'd be during the DVD recording (was up front row center) but ended up leaving in the middle of their setlist the first day. And fuck them for cutting Bodom's setlist short to set up their DVD shit. The second day in Philly I didn't even bother to stay for FF and LoG. I left right after CoB and got wasted with some good company, hehe.
And I'm glad to say they played Silent Night Bodom Night the second night!
Eternal Metal: I stayed for Bodom only on Sunday and then left. I was the LONG haired girl in the front row headbanging like a mother fucker.