Feet - suggestions?

I think I'm just giong to avoid wearing heals all together this year and stick to my black suade Pumas. I just can't handle the pain I usually have for at least two weeks after every PP, not to mention the pain during the fest. Just not worth it to me anymore.... The one year I had foot surgery and had to wear flat shoes, wore the Pumas, was the best year ever.... now, of course, they don't look as sexy, but after eight years of TRYING to look sexy :) , I'm into comfort this time around.... :)
Again, a little late, but I found that the "Walk Fits" work great.

I once put them in a pair of shoes with NO support in them at all and wore them all day around a Renn Faire. My feet and back felt wonderful at the end of the day. I've worn them to PP a few times too and it's amazing how much those help reduce aches and pains.


Do you have 1 pair you move from shoe to shoe?
And do they fit in sexy shoes?
I have a foot condition called plantar fasciitus, so I use Powerstep inserts in my shoes and boots. They work pretty well, although for my feet they are not a panacea. (Nothing is.) (This site sometimes has better prices on the inserts, plus a buttload of free info on plantar fasciitus.)
They're reasonably comfortable and their sturdy construction means that even people with normal feet can benefit from the way they reduce 'rolling' of the heel.

You hooked me up with an online store for my Powersteps a few years back...sure beat what the Doc was charging me. :)

I too have Plantar Fasciitus, so no matter what I use or wear, I'm screwed. The Powerstep inserts are pretty comfy, but do not really offer much for real cushion. They are more for supporting your feet-mostly the arch and heel. So that right there does help. As long as I wear these inserts DAILY I can mostly stave off the pain.

So at concerts it's my Powerstep inserts and plain ol sneakers.
I too have Plantar Fasciitus, so no matter what I use or wear, I'm screwed. The Powerstep inserts are pretty comfy, but do not really offer much for real cushion. They are more for supporting your feet-mostly the arch and heel. So that right there does help. As long as I wear these inserts DAILY I can mostly stave off the pain.

Their new 'Ultimate' models might work better for you, since they're thicker and offer more cushioning. I bought a pair but they were too 'tall' to fit in my boots.

So at concerts it's my Powerstep inserts and plain ol sneakers.

--And my sneakers are exactly where they ended up!
Their new 'Ultimate' models might work better for you, since they're thicker and offer more cushioning. I bought a pair but they were too 'tall' to fit in my boots.

I've looked at those and will give them a try. I'm excited for something with more cushion. My only concern is that they will make my foot ride too high in the shoe, causing it to slip out at the heel. I need new ones so I might just order some today.
I went through extreme foot pain when I started working the second job at Applebee's. Finally asked the cooks that were training all of us what they did for all those long hours on their feet. One told me that he buys a pair of those cheapo flip-flops (the old fashioned kind with the rubber toe-thong) and wears them around the house for a week or two to break them in, then rips the toe-thong part out and puts them in his work shoes.

I used to suffer from PF, but started to do stretching foot exercises before hopping out of bed and it worked wonders. While you are still in bed just bend your foot as if you are curling your toes under and hold for a few seconds, slowly release and repeat about 2-3 times. Then when you hop out of bed and hit the floor your feet aren't as shocked.
I used to suffer from PF, but started to do stretching foot exercises before hopping out of bed and it worked wonders. While you are still in bed just bend your foot as if you are curling your toes under and hold for a few seconds, slowly release and repeat about 2-3 times. Then when you hop out of bed and hit the floor your feet aren't as shocked.

Yes, that does help some.

I wish I'd known all this before I lost my first job due to calling in sick too often after my third season there (i.e., too painful to walk).

Errrm. It was at 6 Flags.

(On the other hand, I might still be working there.... :lol: )
I rely on my Vans. Being a fat man who walks a LOT for work, and after, they work wonders. However, my knees still take a beating on the pit floor at PP.