Females in Music


Sep 20, 2002
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When I was thinking about music I realized that, unfortunately, most, but not all, of the music that I listen to is being written and performed by males.

I was hoping I could get a lot of recommendations on quality music being done by females in any genre: whether it be female fronted bands, solo artists or just a band or group with female musicians...

what females musicians are you listening to?
LuminousAether said:
Why does it matter, sexist? Music is good regardless of the gender involved. This thread is pathetic.

You know what? It doesn't matter... No, I'm not sexist. I was just hoping to learn about more female artists that I otherwise may never have heard of. There has to be more than just Britney Spears...
I listen to a reasonably large amount of female music. Theres a lot of good female singer/songwriters out there. Try these ones Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, Paula Cole... theres tons more. Then theres Dead Can Dance whos vocalist, Lisa Gerrad is phenominal, possibly my favorite singer. They're a very interesting mix of gothic, world and classical music. If that sounds interesting pick up an album. Then theres more gothic stuff like Miranda Sex Garden, The Shroud or Mira, who all have female vocalist (but are all very different). Then in metal theres bands that use female voclaists like Tristania. And of course theres Arch Enemy who have a female vocalist, but if your interested in the female voice in general, they won't get that part done for you. Anyways those are some of the female singers of my preferance
I guess some female solo artists/singers I enjoy that aren't in the mainstream would be:

Diamanda Galas
Lisbeth Scott
Rose McDowall of Sorrow/Current 93
Rachel Goswell of Mojave 3/slowdive
Yasnaia of Hybryds
Lucia Hwong
Suzanne Teng
Azam Ali
Amodali of Mother Destruction
That Suffrajets song is starting to grow on me...the Yeah Yeah Yeahs are pretty good...Arch Enemy do nothing for me, but they're quite popular apparently...Hanin Elias/ATR are always worth a look...if you've got the backbone for some easy listening, check out Enya...Lacuna Coil, the old Italian goth favourites, naturally...you might be able to stomach Evanescence as well, who knows? Give Jack Off Jill a look if you haven't already. Avoid Kittie, they're the worst band in history.

There are some good pop girls around at the moment. I mean, top marks for effort to Myleene Klass, going from Hear'Say to "Toccata". Delta Goodrem, possibly...Amy Studt's more recent singles have been disappointing but "Misfit" was a bit of a toe-tapper...naturally you'll have already formed your opinions on Avril Bloody Lavigne and Christina Sodding Aguilera. As the Spanish say, there are three things you should never advise someone to do: get married, start a war, or buy a teeniboppin' ersatz-rockchick's album...but I leave it up to you.
Alright, fair enough.

Here we go:

Madder Mortem
The Gathering
Old Theatre of Tragedy
The Sins of Thy Beloved
Trail of Tears

These are bands I used to enjoy heartily. Yes, I was a huge fan of B&B metal (aka goth metal). Nowadays, I'm not so entranced by this style, but I still reminisce upon the cheesy strains of this style with affection.

The Gathering still rules though... also in that vein, check out the very rarely mentioned but still amazing The 3rd and the Mortal. Their last album, which came out in 2002 I believe, Memoirs... it rocked. It was a mixture of trip hop and dark rock, sort of like a better Antimatter with more of an upbeat newer Ulver meets Massive Attack feel.

And for the downtempo / trip hop vibe get Lux Occulta's The Mother and the Enemy which mixes black metal, jazz, and trip hop with I think 3 female sung trip hop ditties. Fleurety's Department of Apocalyptic Affairs has an awesome female sung trip hop song called Barbed Wire Smile. Lamb is a fairly good downtempo band, I would recommend them to fans of Bjork and Portishead, they bring a more dnb vibe to the trip hop style of mellow electronics with female vocals.
Kate Bush
Suzanne Vega
Maggie Reilly
Sheena Easton
Jennifer Rush

If you like 70s prog rock, you probably know Renaissance and their awesome vocalist Annie Haslam.
Don't forget Sean Yseult from White Zombie, Darcy Wretzky from Smashing Pumpkins, and Kim Gordon from Sonic Youth.

Despite the fact that Darcy and Sean aren't that popular anymore, they still remain some of my favorite performers.

Anyone remember Drain STH? I thought they were a really good all-female band.... The drummer has a new band called Superfix... www.superfix.net
Tristania, Hole, Garbage, Tori Amos, Bjork, Fiona Apple, Portishead, Jack Off Jill, Kittie, L7, Lacuna Coil, The Distillers, PJ Harvey..there's a lot I like.. :)
Some more female vocalists/female-fronted bands, which haven´t already been mentioned before:

Mari Boine (she and her male band have probably the best live sound I´ve ever heard and the live versions of their songs usually sound - more or less - different from the album versions; recommended album: "eallin")
Kari Bremnes (impressive voice, excellent lyrics - though very hard to translate (for me), because they are written in a Northern Norwegian dialect; she has also released two albums with English versions of some of her songs, but I definitely prefer the original versions, because - to my ears - it´s her Norwegian dialect which contributes to a very large extent to the authenticity of her songs; I´m really looking forward to her German tour in January 2004!; recommended albums: "Svarta Bjørn" and "Løsrivelse"; www.karibremnes.no)
The Bulgarian Voices "Angelite" (formerly known as Le Mystère Des Voix Bulgares; it was Kate Bush´s cooperation with the Trio Bulgarka on "The Sensual World" which got me into this really impressive female choir - best viewed and heard live! To learn more about them, visit www.jaro.de)
Kari Rueslåtten (former vocalist of The Third And The Mortal; her best solo album is in my opinion "Spindelsinn", which is entirely sung in Norwegian - "bokmål" to be precise; also check out her fine vocals on The Third And The Mortal´s debut-EP "Sorrow" and their debut album "Tears Laid In Earth")
If you like Scandinavian folk music (with modern influences), check out
Garmarna (Sweden)
Två Fisk Och En Fläsk (Sweden; hem.passagen.se/tvafisk)
Gjallarhorn (Finland; www.gjallarhorn.com)
Värttinä (Finland; www.varttina.com)
Hedningarna (Sweden/Finland;"warning": their album "Hippjokk" features only male vocals, though this doesn´t mean it´s not worth listening to)
If you like it "oriental", try
Natacha Atlas (though her latest album "Something Dangerous" is too much pop for my taste)
Sima Bina (www.sima-bina.com)
Sussan Deyhim
Mahsa Vahdat
(all four are from Iran - yes, they do have female vocalists there!)
Further interesting singers/bands:
Sevara Nazarkhan (from Usbekistan)
Sainkho (from Tuva, a part of the former U.S.S.R. bordering Mongolia)
Stepanida Borisova
Qntal (www.qntal.de)
Heliumvola (www.helium-vola.de)
Tactile Gemma (with Atrox-vocalist Monika Edvardsen)

My favourite female-fronted metal bands are:
Fear Of God (their debut "Within The Veil" is especially because of Dawn Crosby´s (R.I.P.) impressive vocal work still my favourite metal album of all times; since I bought it in 1991, I´ve listened to it more than 1,000 times and I still haven´t got bored of it; the most comprehensive site about this band is definitely www.fear-of-god.com)
Atrox (to me, their new album "Orgasm" is the perfect mixture of heavyness, melody and originality and together with its predecessor "Terrestrials", I like it as much as Fear Of God´s "Within The Veil", though the music and the vocals are quite different; www.atrox-web.com)
Madder Mortem
Nightwish (compared to a band like Atrox they play "very-easy-listening" music, but I like Tarja´s voice and their album "Oceanborn" very much - and their other albums aren´t bad either)
Within Temptation (their album "Mother Earth" sounds sometimes too "sweet" to my ears, but I´m pleased there´s no male "beast" grunting - otherwise I wouldn´t have bought it)

Well, there are probably lots of other interesting female vocalists/female-fronted bands (I haven´t mentioned all I know), but sometimes it might take years and very lucky accidents to discover them. And sometimes it might take some time until you really get into the music of someone. E.g. I had heard Kate Bush (her single hits to be precise) in the late 70s and in the 80s, but it wasn´t before 1990 that I really got into her music (especially the experimental album "The Dreaming" and "The Ninth Wave") and bought all her albums.

OK, I hope this comment didn´t get too long. Now I´m tired and I´ll go to sleep. Good night!
oceanqueen44 said:
Anyone remember Drain STH? I thought they were a really good all-female band.... The drummer has a new band called Superfix... www.superfix.net
I saw Drain supporting Sabbath at a reunion show. They weren't that good, the best bit was when the bass player was dancing round in circles, tripped over something and fell on her arse. :D
Female artists in my playlist:

Loreena McKennit
Cindy Lauper
Tracy Chapman
K's Choice
Avril Lavigne (yep..)
Lene Marlin
Skunk Anansie

I dont like Sinergy, Arch Enemy and Nightwish for some reason. And bands like Kittie and all that american nu-rock none sense.

By the way, hey, I'm new to UM.