Focus Shift definitely shifts its focus (wordplay! dundun tcshhh*drum sounds*)away from Character, by not too much, but quite a bit nonetheless. And it definitely goes to my "good DT songs" list. I was worried after hearing WDIMA that DT is going for the chugga music route as C.o.B did, but it seems the upcoming album is going to be more varied that I had thought Blind at Heart, WDIMA and Focus Shift sounds very different to me and so far I like 2/3 out of those, it's a good sign. The solos on those songs also innovates much from what DT used to do. The solo on Blind at Heart is perfection at infinite-minus-one-ness, if not perfection itself. I'm buying the album, even if it costs me 24.99$. And blah blah till the new album comes out and we hear the whole thing to be sure of our hypothesis.
As for the album illustration cover: has Sundin lost he's surreal inspirations? It's so boring it hurts. Skeleton + crow + mostly darkness + a bit of white + some red font + overlayed texture, sounds and looks generic to me. Sundin used to have an unique centerpiece, amazing details and wonderful wonderful colors for each of the DT covers (save the original skydancer), where is it on this one? I had expected more for a DT cover photomanipulation. But I could be wrong, maybe the cover would explain itself after I understand the album. Or was that the album cover at all?
'Till then, we can only ponder.