
Tasing Brazilian students to death over packets of biscuits that they didn't actually steal. Remind me not to go there, ever :P

lol, yep as soon as they found out he was Brazilian ...

Yeah it's big news over here too. Obviously they didn't think it would kill him, he kept fending off police after each time he was tasered, third time was a charm. Some here are calling it police brutality and saying tasers should be banned .. they could use guns I suppose - super effective!

Not sure how it's being presented in Brazil, here is one story and the investigation continues

Another story says the guy may not even be the actual burglar and that he may have had another reason to run when he saw cops .. also, apparently in Brazil the cops aren't so nice.

The moral is I guess not to resist arrest

If someone dies from it that means its lethal and must be banned, you know how easy children can get lethal things that kill you? TOO EASY

You must ban it !!
I'm not sure how it's being presented in Brazil either, I'm not there. But well, the thing is: someone gets a gun pointed at them, they generally know not to move and the police officer generally knows not to shoot unless he's prepared to use lethal force. With tasers, they just think it's oh-so-fine to spray shots because they're non-lethal.

There's nothing wrong with cops in Brazil btw, not wronger than any other place. People just say that because they're communists. I'm not even kidding.
stormtroopers and laser guns are required. No more deaths by weapons. ever.
If someone dies from it that means its lethal and must be banned,

There was another case over the weekend cops were chasing a suspect, he got out of his car and ran into a shopping mall. The cop ended up shooting him - lethally.

One question they're asking is why wasn't he tasered instead?

the thing is: someone gets a gun pointed at them, they generally know not to move and the police officer generally knows not to shoot unless he's prepared to use lethal force.

He should've known not to move the moment he was pepper sprayed.

Pepper spray has also been known to kill too right?

I dunno, I kind of doubt the story that the guy was able to fend off the tasers. Those things are specifically made to scramble nerve signals that would be used for coherent movement. There's really no reason to tase someone more than once.
I kind of doubt the story that the guy was able to fend off the tasers.

Yeah from what I've seen it really knocks them to the ground.

A fatality by police isn't treated lightly over here so there will be an investigation, they'll call upon witnesses, etc.

They will get reprimanded if they didn't follow procedure.
