First band that aren't "friends". Need help!

Cause it's the Rh150 g3

Ohhh, okay.
Sorry for the noobish questions. Just trying to settle that little issue. Haha.

Btw, as far as this band goes...

Honestly, I cannot say, "Track with a metronome or GTFO of my studio".
I simply do not have the credibility or backing clients to do that.

I can, however, tell them how important it is to track to a metronome. If they comply, they do. If they don't, oh well.

I will just be sure to inform them if their final product turns out shitty because of sloppy playing, etc.. That I told them so.

Btw, if anyone wants to check them out, you can see their myspace page here.

Btw, if anyone wants to check them out, you can see their myspace page here.


:erk: Good luck.

If you dig the music, cool. If I had to listen to those songs more than once to mix, I think I'd opt to end it all and save myself the agony.

But really, I don't think anyone (that I noticed) said to tell them to play to click or gtfo. Just try to convince them its best for the final product. Again, you don't have to edit it to machine levels, but having a guide to keep things cohesive is a good idea imo and it definitely helps for punch ins and overdubs.
:erk: Good luck.

If you dig the music, cool. If I had to listen to those songs more than once to mix, I think I'd opt to end it all and save myself the agony.

But really, I don't think anyone (that I noticed) said to tell them to play to click or gtfo. Just try to convince them its best for the final product. Again, you don't have to edit it to machine levels, but having a guide to keep things cohesive is a good idea imo and it definitely helps for punch ins and overdubs.

Yeah, I know no-one said that.
I was just saying it's not an option. Haha.

And yeah, I don't listen to their type of music, but I will record anything!
I had an all tube Randall called a RGT 100 HT


There was also a head (non-rackmount) version of it.

Wow, did that sound any good dude?
Im not suprised.. from what ive read on the net, its the same amp as the regular RG, but they replaced the tubes with transistors instead.. a solid state amp with tubes. :lol:
I have to say that im surprised that ive managed to miss that amp through all my Randall research! ;P
Ya it was a good rock amp. But it didn't cut it for the metulz! Could never try out the reverb cause I didn't have the footswitch. If I remember correctly it was 4 6L6, 3 12ax7 and a 12at7 PI. W/rack the thing was heavy as hell too.

Thanks for the thread Ganks. :lol: You can have it back now.