fitness freaks?


Feb 4, 2002
is there any fitness freaks here or is this the wrong place to ask?! hah

anyway, if there is im after some advice.

i want to get a bit fitter, get some muscle etc, basically tone up a bit, although it would be cool to look like Henry Rollins....

anyone have any tips? fitness regimes, diet etc????

tinman, arent you a fitness freak if im not mistaken?
If you want to gain muscles like popeye do low repitions of exercise's but with as much weight as you can lift (the longer you take to lift the weight up and down the more good it will do for you, so try and take about 3 seconds to lift and then 3 seconds to lower it again). So lift as much as you can about 5 -8 times breathing out as you lift and (breathing in as you lower the weights... this is mean't to be important :p) and have about a minute or 2 rest between each exercise you do.

.....I could be full of shit too so don't blame me if you do your back in or something :D
Originally posted by Haupassia

tinman, arent you a fitness freak if im not mistaken?

Well I wouldn't go that far ;) heheh

I go to gym 4 times a week though, and I occasionally do some martial arts.

Here's what I'm doing lately anyway.

I start off with 10 minutes on the X trainer to warm up. Then I do my weights routine, then 20 minutes on the bike cos I'm trying to burn some flab and tone up a bit.

So what I do is, for two weeks I do the heaviest weights I can manage, for 6 - 8 reps. Then for the next two weeks I do really light weights and try to do 30 reps. That really fucken burns!
OK, not the neck, face, arms or short stubby legs. :) Although if I looked like him then I could learn to cope with short legs, I think!

I was actually going to say someone else instead of Benoit but I can't remember who now...
I'd love to be a fitness freak, but I'm so damn lazy. :(

I joined a fantastic gym once and I was really into it - once I'm there I actually love to work out, but getting me there is the hard part. I had to give up my membership when I left the country and I can't really afford to start again at the moment, but once I can I might get Mark and myself enrolled (don't tell Mark that. ;)).
The extent of my exercise is walking to the fridge then back to the couch, or walking to the bus stop.

I would like to put on weight though. I'm too skinny and need to put on some weight so I look a little less Ethiopian. Any advice? I can't do it by trying to put on fat because I just can't put on any fat no matter how much I eat and how fattening and unhealthy it is, I'm probably just clogging up my heart hahahahaha.

So how do I put on weight? I spose someone will say "try to build up muscle". That is hard coz I'm lazy, plus if I'm not mistaken, it is usually easier to get muscle if you actually have fat to turn into muscle... I don't lol.
If you're gunna do that Trent you have to exercise more so that your body uses the nutrients in the drink - otherwise you'll just get fat!


**Dakk goes back into hybernation**