Fixed in a Metal genre?


Dec 2, 2010
Roskilde - Denmark
Hey folks.

2nd post in here :) I had a question for all you Metalheads.

How much do you stick to one particular Metal genre? Do you prefer to listen to bands within one genre or do you switch it up?

Listening to Heavy one day, then Thrash, Metalcore, Nu, melodic something? or do you stick to what you like:)
I bounce around between most genres of metal. No reason to stick to 1 genre, you miss out on too much music that way.

I used to be stuck in thrash metal for a very long time. But after a while I started exploring the HUGE world of metal, and now I listen to practically all metal that sounds good to me, don't care what genre. Black, doom, death, core and even some glam... it doesnt matter.
Im not fixed in a metal genre?! (wierd way to say it) at all, if id been I would have ended up blowing my brains out of boredom.
I go through phases with 80s thrash metal, traditional/heavy metal, old school death metal, traditional doom metal, and 80s power metal but I would definitely say I most often come back to black metal. I find it to be the most intriguing and open-ended in terms of what I like.
I usually stick to Death and Black Metal since I can get really picky with other styles. I kind of go through phases with Death, Black, and non-Metal. Death one week, non-Metal the next, etc. I suppose that's why I am a moron when it comes to Thrash, Progressive/Technical, Folk, Power, and Doom Metal.
You're right, it gets boring after some time, and thats when you start looking for other kinds of metal :)

That's what got me interested to begin with. I started out very slow in the beginning and searched for more and more different styles. :D Folk metal is the "newest" genre i stumpled upon I really liked. Weird enough to get me hooked:) I personally also have phases where i do a complete discorgraphy of a paticular artist, going through every record they put out.
I mostly listen to black metal and death metal but also some doom though mainly of the doom/death variety.

I also enjoy gothic elements used in metal (ie. Moonspell) but aside from the rare exception, "gothic" metal really doesn't exist.

I listen to plenty of non-metal genres so I never get tired or metal.
I like most genres, but I typically steer clear of. . well, cheesy sounding music as much as I can. I like dark music, as well as a degree of ambiance, and typically go for black metal or certain types of melodic death metal.

I really enjoy blackened variations of other genres, like black thrash or blackened death (not the Behemoth kind, really, more like Dawn).

I look for specific things in music, and some non-metal music does it for me and I'll eat that up too.
I always mix it up. I have everything from thrash to death, black, folk, viking, symphonic, post-metal, etc.
I've been noticing that I really like doom elements in all my music, but I tend to get stuck in a single sub-genre. Lately, it's been depressive black/doom like Forgotten Tomb, as well as a lot of funeral doom bands. (Brutal) death metal is always going to be a favorite of mine as well, and classic black metal like Mayhem was the first stuff that really got me into extreme metal. Other than that I'm pretty picky. Slayer is seriously the only thrash band I've ever loved. Call me crazy but I find most thrash pretty boring.
I usually do it in phases. Ill listen to a lot of black metal, or a lot of death metal, or heavy metal, or doom, and every once in a while some power metal. Black metal is the most versatile so I can often have phases of traditional/classics, post, technical, atmospheric, etc. Then there is the progressive and the uncategorizable types that I listen to depending on how close they coincide with with im listening to (heavy or power). I typically avoid/ignore thrash and metal with heavy folk influence.

I also like to dabble in other non-metal genres every once in a while to keep things fresh, but I always find myself fiending for metal so I have to go back.
Sometimes I go through phases or sometimes I'm all over the place. But my preferences are something like:

Heavy/Power/NWOBHM = Doom = Death > Black > Thrash >>>>>> ...well I don't really play anything else.