Fixed in a Metal genre?

I have become lost in my local scene. There are some fantastic bands down here on the South Coast of the UK and there's a lotta variety- Death Ape Disco (us, in the sig) Dead Empire (Soundgarden/Clutchy grunge), Lithurgy (prog-metal), Stone Giant (southern rock/ stoner), Blind Eye Fury (LoG style thrash), Furyon (melodic alt-metal), This Means War (fookin heavy).

All very different, but all these bands I like have in common a certain passion and creativity, and I can listen to them all one after the other. I shift metal genres all the time, and out of metal a lot as well. There's good music, and bad, and stuff that just isn't your thing. That's it!!
I try to keep an open mind, and I can honestly say that I do not dislike an entire genre of metal, but I stick with heavy/power, death (especially the fast and melodic variety) and black metal for the most part. I'm trying to listen to more doom and ambient/shoegaze black metal, but it's hard for me to find songs that hold my attention. I love Confessor and Drudkh, though.
i don't really like the swedish school of heavier harmonised riffage with screamed vocals, it does nothing for me.
I bounce around between most genres of metal. No reason to stick to 1 genre, you miss out on too much music that way.


Although I go through phases of listening to one genre more than others, I prefer to mix it up as much as possible to keep things fresh. Its nice to hear the contrast between different styles of metal too. Like today I went from some NWOBHM stuff straight into brutal death, kind of accentuates the defining features of both.
I'm pretty much traditional, thrash, and early death centric. Progressive as a prefix attached to any of those is usually a positive as well, although stand alone I'm not a fan of it.
I try to keep an open mind, and I can honestly say that I do not dislike an entire genre of metal, but I stick with heavy/power, death (especially the fast and melodic variety) and black metal for the most part. I'm trying to listen to more doom and ambient/shoegaze black metal, but it's hard for me to find songs that hold my attention. I love Confessor and Drudkh, though.

If you haven't yet, check out Brutally Deceased. Czech DM that sounds like Dismember.
I'm pretty fixed regarding genres I'm not into. Power metal, folk metal and melodic death/melodeath and crossovers thereof are not for me. I find most black metal hard to listen to also.