for my new job, the hair may have to go.

will, if i had that job, i would pocket every other toll i collected.... now thats what i call toll collecting!
Yeah, I'm not too worried about cutting it, since the job is definitely worth it. I can retire by time I'm 45. Booyakasha!

...not if you keep bidding on Ebay!
I just noticed I've got about 160 purchases and sold NOTHING. yeow
Go "shaved" man. We be looking good, and it makes you faster. :)
Will, could you really honestly collect tolls full time until you're 45? It pays well, but where's the creativity? The fun? The opportunity to learn?

I could never cut my hair just for a paycheck, but if that paycheck included these other things, that's when I'd consider it. Luckily I have a job with all these things and I don't have to cut my hair or follow a dress code. These jobs exist, you just have to find them or get lucky.

If you're not really concerned with your hair and want/need the cash, I say go for it. I bet it's a cake job... easy money. But dude you have WAY too much potential to settle into a job like that for the rest of your life :)
This subject really gets under my skin. I don’t understand what the length of your hair has to do with your performance on the job. Quite a few years back I was really hurting for work. I found a cab company that was hiring, so I set up an interview & went down there. When I got there & started walking towards the building, this great big fat guy yells out his office window:
“Are you here for the interview?”
I say, “Yes I am”
He says “are you gonna cut your hair?”
I say “NO”
He said “well then you might as well leave now then.”

Apparently, they had rules against how long your hair could be, but not against how big around you are. In retrospect I’m glad I didn’t get the job, but it still bothers me. I’ll never understand it. This wasn’t the only job I applied for that gave me shit about my hair, but it’s the one that sticks out in my mind. Total Bull Shit.

Good luck, Will….. Whatever you decide.
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I could cut my hair for a good paying job even though it takes atleast a year to get to my shoulders...but i dont have to worry about it since i might be getting a job at a local music store cwhen he gets up and running.
It has nothing to do with job performance. It's about how people perceive those with long hair. Many feel that it is unprofessional.