for my new job, the hair may have to go.

What's the big deal in getting your hair cut? Are you all of a sudden a poser if you have short hair?

It all comes down to what's important to you. If you want to be a responsible contributing member of society, very few jobs will let you have really long hair because these jobs are high paying, professional appearance type jobs. Some jobs don't care and you can do what you want...that's fine and that's great. But we aren't all this lucky.

Cut it only if it's a job you really want and can envision yourself doing for a long time...if not, don't. It's not just hair...if they ask you to do something that you aren't prepared to do, they better compensate you greatly for it.

IMO, there's nothing gayer than a bunch of metalheads talking about each others' hair and whining about how they look better with long hair. It's like the 80's all over again. Meanwhile, people with a big cock like me to make up for lack of hair are out fucking these guys' girlfriends while they jerk each other off in some pub, running each others' fingers through their hair.

Seriously, whatever you are faced with...only do what's best for you. If this job is something you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life, then by all means, cut your hair and start raking in the money. You have to give something to get something. If it's not, then don't give up something that's dear to you just for money. If you wanted to be a lawyer or a doctor, I'd definitely NOT have a problem cutting my hair. But collecting money in a toll booth isn't exactly your dream job, right? It's just to pay the bills, right? I'd think long and hard about what you want to do and what's best for you.

I'm freelance and I make about 20 bucks an hour with what I do, even though it's irregular hours and days...I still have to look somewhat professional. No hair clause, but I can't walk in to teach a class with my Emperor shirt on.
Well, actually I CAN teach with my Emperor shirt, and have before...but that was at the school and NOT at a company where I have to project a semi-professional image.

And the boss wasn't there.

You'd think spending 9 years in the military would make you really rigid and strict, but it's kinda the opposite effect. The difference between me and most people now, however, is that I KNOW when I have to look professional and when I can be a slacker. Most young people these days have no clue about first impressions...which is probably why so many people are still living at home.
WILL- NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is bullshit!!

Do you realize how many friends I have who work for the goverment/ FBI/ CIA here in DC and more than half of them have a pony tail ????


arrrgghh. employers just make me mad. Since when a long hair is
any indication whether a person is worth keeping or not?!?!

Your hair is so gorgeous Will..... what a fucking shame that would be.

-Lioness in the airport.
What's the big deal in getting your hair cut? Are you all of a sudden a poser if you have short hair?

It all comes down to what's important to you. If you want to be a responsible contributing member of society, very few jobs will let you have really long hair because these jobs are high paying, professional appearance type jobs. Some jobs don't care and you can do what you want...that's fine and that's great. But we aren't all this lucky.

Cut it only if it's a job you really want and can envision yourself doing for a long time...if not, don't. It's not just hair...if they ask you to do something that you aren't prepared to do, they better compensate you greatly for it.

IMO, there's nothing gayer than a bunch of metalheads talking about each others' hair and whining about how they look better with long hair. It's like the 80's all over again. Meanwhile, people with a big cock like me to make up for lack of hair are out fucking these guys' girlfriends while they jerk each other off in some pub, running each others' fingers through their hair.

Seriously, whatever you are faced with...only do what's best for you. If this job is something you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life, then by all means, cut your hair and start raking in the money. You have to give something to get something. If it's not, then don't give up something that's dear to you just for money. If you wanted to be a lawyer or a doctor, I'd definitely NOT have a problem cutting my hair. But collecting money in a toll booth isn't exactly your dream job, right? It's just to pay the bills, right? I'd think long and hard about what you want to do and what's best for you.

I'm freelance and I make about 20 bucks an hour with what I do, even though it's irregular hours and days...I still have to look somewhat professional. No hair clause, but I can't walk in to teach a class with my Emperor shirt on.

I like how you went back and forth from one stance to another in this one. :u-huh:
nah. one of the bridges on the Delaware River between NJ and Philadelphia

The Walt Whitman or Ben Franklin bridge?

Oh, and I'm still trying to comprehend why the hell you'd have to have short hair to have someone drive up to you, you take their $3 dollars, and have them drive away and repeat. It doesn't make sense. Will, please tell me if I'm missing something here. I'm not trying to be a douche, I'm honestly curious as to what is going though the minds of employers like this.
I like how you went back and forth from one stance to another in this one. :u-huh:

That's because I have two stances in it...sort of.

In a nutshell, don't cut your hair for some job that you don't envision yourself doing for the rest of your life. On the other hand, if you're still living at home, are out of school and not going to college, and you're looking for a job that you can see yourself doing for a long, long time, it would be silly to give up such a great opportunity at making your life better because you have this fixation with long hair. That is utter idiocy, in my opinion. If you have an opportunity to make a lot of money, put aside a lot of money for retirement, get your own place and live comfortably for a long, long time, where's the problem with cutting your hair? You'd give up an opportunity like that and be happy working at some shithole job that you hate just because you can keep your hair long? That is insanity. I disagree with the whole notion of having long hair excludes you from certain jobs, and I think it's ridiculous, but you can't change the system from the outside. Either conform and try to change it from the inside, or keep your shitty job and live with your parents till you're 35...but you'll have long hair, so that would be worth it, wouldn't it?

Why do you think I stayed in the military so long? The last four years in the military was used to prepare myself for when I got out, buy all the guitars and amps and music equipment I could (I bought 8 or 9 guitars and two amps), save a shitload of money because they paid me a lot of money, and set myself up to be debt-free and totally independent when I got out of the military, and that's exactly what I did. I raped the military for every last penny and perk that I could because you're not going to get years of my life without significant payback. It worked like a charm and now I can do whatever the hell I want. The same is true about jobs. Conform when the time is right, set yourself up to be completely independent, and then you can do whatever the hell you want. Cutting your hair is a small price to pay for this. But again, only do this if it's something you can envision yourself doing for a long, long time and it's worth it.

FBI, CIA, DEA, etc. usually allow them to have long hair because most of the time they are either clandestine or working on a clandestine project. It suits them better because they keep a low's a force protection issue. Also, many people who work for the CIA, FBI, DEA, etc. are civilian contractors and not members of the federal government....therefore, they don't have to abide by their rules. This is what I recommend. If you have any computer skills with network administration, computer security, etc., the government will hire you as a civilian contractor to do your job and you can make a mint doing government benefits as well. I knew so many people who came to work wearing an Alice in Chains shirt and a long pony tail with cargo pants because they had their own office, their own bosses, and worked alone, mainly. The government doesn't discriminate because you aren't a government employee...they need you because you are cheaper to hire, even at 50k a year than paying a government military or federal employee to do the job. Half the jobs in the military are contracted out to civilians, now...even some of the warfighting jobs. Look into that and you may see something that interests you.
Also, working for the government as a civilian contractor usually excludes you from any drug testing or other bullshit. It's actually much more laid back than a private company.
I would never pass the background check for a real government job, I worked in the private sector through contract for years though.
If you are unemployed because you have long hair, you are fucking lazy.
Invariably, the issue comes down to your personal convictions and if the reasoning is satisfactory to you.
Dear Will,

Eric and I discussed your hair this weekend. LOL. Exciting weekend :hypno:

His opinion is to get it cut it short, not just to get the job, but to prove to yourself that you have an identity beyond the hair. Then decide to keep it or let it grow back. He had long hair from like 7th grade on, and when he got separated or whatever, long after all his friends had already cut their hair, he finally cut it - short, and donated it to locks of love, when he was roughly 30-31 years old. I'm assuming he wishes maybe he had tried it sooner. After he started playing his guitar more he started growing it out and now it's half way down his back and longer than mine... but I don't think he'd be afraid to do it again. The biggest pain for him was constantly having to go get a haircut - which is my main reason... I'm too fucking cheap to get haircuts every month or two. :goggly:

another 2 cents :zombie: