It has nothing to do with job performance. It's about how people perceive those with long hair. Many feel that it is unprofessional.
I think it sucks ass. As a female I can grow my hair as long as I want - so WTF is up with that??? But when I worked at a bank the dress code was all fucked up. And I still avoided it like the plague

They needed me too much. But, come on, women's pants couldn't be part cotton?? I just figured no one ever better ask me to look at the tag! I dyed my hair red, black, blonde again... I don't think I'll ever grow up

Then they came out with the "no piercings" thing... which personally I thought funny, since they can't force you not to have a piercing, it should've been worded differently - that jewelry couldn't be worn in such piercings. ... ah. I hate the system. The bf wasn't allowed to play high school football because he had long hair - so he told them to blow it. ... but that was definite discrimination, I wish he'd have had my dad - an attorney would've called
Anyway, Will, it sucks, but I'd cut it if you really want this job, ponytail the rest, and see how long you can get away with it

that's just me.... and, no offense meant to your job prospect, but who the fuck cares what the toll booth dude looks like???