for my new job, the hair may have to go.

It has nothing to do with job performance. It's about how people perceive those with long hair. Many feel that it is unprofessional.

I think it sucks ass. As a female I can grow my hair as long as I want - so WTF is up with that??? But when I worked at a bank the dress code was all fucked up. And I still avoided it like the plague :) They needed me too much. But, come on, women's pants couldn't be part cotton?? I just figured no one ever better ask me to look at the tag! I dyed my hair red, black, blonde again... I don't think I'll ever grow up :) :) Then they came out with the "no piercings" thing... which personally I thought funny, since they can't force you not to have a piercing, it should've been worded differently - that jewelry couldn't be worn in such piercings. ... ah. I hate the system. The bf wasn't allowed to play high school football because he had long hair - so he told them to blow it. ... but that was definite discrimination, I wish he'd have had my dad - an attorney would've called :)

Anyway, Will, it sucks, but I'd cut it if you really want this job, ponytail the rest, and see how long you can get away with it :p that's just me.... and, no offense meant to your job prospect, but who the fuck cares what the toll booth dude looks like???
ok, yeha do it...cut it grows back, look smart like i do now...instead of a shit kicker....
:kickass: :kickass:
Actually, in the case of sports, long hair could increase risks of injury.

The coach just didn't like him (small town) and was pulling a power trip. None of the girls had to cut their hair for sports. We had girls on the wrestling and football teams around here because there were no girl's versions of the sports. Obviously this didn't happen at the bf's school though! bastards.

my public school wouldn't keep religion out of it until we contacted a lawyer and the aclu. ....

damn I hated high school. I'm glad it was (holy crap) 19 years ago....

As a former manager, I know that employment is "at will" (no pun intended - lol) unless you sign a contract, so the employer can set up some pretty stupid rules as long as they follow certain guidelines.

best wishes Will! (would they like spikes or a mohawk instead???) :p
Can you keep the facial hair?

Peter had to shave his, the PD will only let you have a moustache. And seeing as how that's fucking gay he shaved it all off. Now he looks like a frog. He's a 911 dispatcher, I don't know why it matters.
Yeah Will, how do you think you can stand in a toll booth for 25 years? They'll all be run by machines in that time anyway. Get the job, but don't waste your life by retiring with it.
My hair would remain. My job wouldn't.

I've just left school, so finally I can grow it as long as I want! :rock: (My school had a policy on hair :heh: ) Anyway, now I'm a uni bum, so they don't care, and I work in a music retail store, so they don't care, and my mum has given the green light, so the only thing to stop my would be hair loss... :erk: but I think I should be right for a couple more years... :lol:

EDIT: Btw, it's quite a bit longer now than it was in that photo...
if you are gonna cut it, do it at the length they won't, don't go all short hair/buzz cut bs. you wouldn't be will anymore, you'd be someone else. and that would be scary.

I say look for other things if you can before making a final decision. the important thing is if you are gonna be happy at the job.
I find my job ironic but I like the policy. Dress is a mix of business formal and business casual, basically the minimum is dress pants and dress shirts, some days ties are required. BUT, there is no standard for haircuts, tatooos, piercings, or other things that qualify as "personal expression." So there is a guy who regular wears full suits to work but has a mohawk and about twelve facial piercings, and any number of people with long hair, or tattoos such as in my case.
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as someone else already said, and not to disparage toll booth 'operators' too much, but wtf does it matter what you look like? is someone gonna turn around or complain because ole' toll booth willie has a righteous mane? this long hair discrimination must stop!@#

that aside, can you grow it back one you move up to one of the non-booth jobs? i know you gotta make that dolla, but you're gonna miss the mane, dude. i know it.
So why are you speculating?

it's like me wondering if I have to shave my beard to fly on a a plane. I don't worry until they say so. (And they won't.)