For those of you who aren't American

Most Americans are easily manipulated...which means they don't like to think and are brain-washed, judgemental fools.

I can't say I like many people here, but they are tolerable, even if they look at me like I am Satan. But like someone else said...there is good and bad just about anywhere you go, it just depends what you're looking for.
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
I think the problem with american people is that a great percentage of the population is ignorant about anything that isn't american.

What's worst my friend, is that the people are also very ignorant of things that ARE related to this country.. but this is because the intelligence agencies and the government do an excellent job at covering countless things and deceiving the population to keep 'em all 'loyal' 'patriotic' and 'happy'

..and all those stupid retards who elected Bush...
And you know what's fucked? The people didn't even elect Bush!! The majority voted for Al Gore.. but Bush won. It's all fucked up yet they always make a point to convince every student that this is a true democracy and blah blah blah...

Originally posted by IoWildChild:
Hail Communism!:grin:
Ahh.. another communist here?...

though it could never completely work with the world today because of how fucked people are, Communism is my ideology..
Capitalism is the craddle of evil and greed
Democracy underlies and accentuates stupidities in the mass population.
Either I'm not seeing the 'big picture' or other people here aren't.
I see alot of people bitching about all this war shit that is going on; saying it's stupid bla bla bla... I don't see a problem with going after some terrorists who murdered hundreds of people.. Why is everybody against this? Does everybody expect for everyone to just go on with there lives pretending nothing happened? It seems pretty smart to me to get rid of them as soon as possible so that it doesn't happen again. Alot of people think the US is going after Saddam because he may be a potential Hitler. I think that IS total bullshit. Going to war just because somebody MIGHT become a Hitler-like character is a bunch of shit. I don't think that is the real reason why the US is going after Saddam anyways. I believe it is to get rid of terroists and those who support them. It seems to me that alot of people are confused about this.. or maybe I am..?

I do agree that the US is full of retarted fucking idiots. I can't stand 99.9% of people here. But to me it does seem smart to get rid of terrorists so that they dont 'strike' anyone again. Or we could just stand idolly by and let them keep on blowing shit up and killing people.. it seems that is what most people on this thread are saying should be done. That makes no sense to me.
They killed people and we are just supose to do nothing about it?
I agree with what most of what you said. I've never heard of anyone saying we're going to war with Iraq because Saddam might become Hitler. I do agree with just about everyone that America is full of fucking idiots who are ignorant of just about everything but football and baseball. What I want to know is why the fuck is everyone apparently so anti-capitalism? I personally see nothing wrong with it and hate the idea of mommunism and planned economies and all of that, mainly because they have never worked and they do nothing to reward human ingenuity, or at least everything i have read has indicated that.
Originally posted by EagleFlyFree
yeah, not enough americans show up on discussions, smile and leave! :-D

hahahah i may be American but that doesnt mean I dont disagree with almost everything the government does..... im not an easily manipulated hand puppet like so many other brain washed fucks in the USA!! I have freedom of speech and I use it to preach my owrds of Anarchy!

besides.... basically the only thing i agree with is social security for people whom are retired... thats about it hahahaha errrmmmm well mabye one or two other things but I dont feel like writing 24 pages worth of shit tonight :lol:
See, I don't understand what it is between us Americans and Canadians. I always get into some sort of debate with Canadians reguarding us in some way. I don't hate my government, I just don't like some decisions that are made. If my band doesn't take off, I plan on working for the government here. Let it be CIA, NSA, DEA, DoD, etc. If it even comes down to it, maybe FBI. I would rather be a regular cop than FBI. I don't really like the FBI, they are fucking retards. Infact, I am going to college to prepare myself for the CIA, which is my #1 goal, aside from my music of course. I'm taking multiple things such as Criminal Justice, Physics, Phsycology, Astronomy, along with song different languages including Japanese.

As for Bush, I think he is a fucking retard. My theory is that the president is a speaker, a mere pawn of the government. He doesn't make the decisions, the senate/government does. He is just a speaker which makes it easier for the general public to think that there is just one decision maker. Also, I think that the media does a great part in this country's decisions.
theres the obvious things here that i dont like:
News( Journalism )

some of us i know can be arogant and stuck up, but hell its the American dream. i am not a person to take my freedom for granted, although im not one rto jump and support the government on everythnig it does and go off and join the army.
Originally posted by Kuvasz

- Hiroshima & Nagasaki (remember people without skin?)

Just to remind that WW 2 would be known much longer if those two bombs weren't dropped. Of course, bombs caused devastation but that's what war is...

And yeah, I don't USA's goverment and I don't like Finland's goverment either. ;)

EDIT People out there...I hope they aren't like Bodomite :lol:
Originally posted by flaminfetus
theres the obvious things here that i dont like:
News( Journalism )

some of us i know can be arogant and stuck up, but hell its the American dream. i am not a person to take my freedom for granted, although im not one rto jump and support the government on everythnig it does and go off and join the army.

What?! You don't like music? WTF?!
Originally posted by Dilton
You (north) americans all say you hate your government too, but if you were to give up all your excedent prosperity in order to build up a more decent, just world, you all would get some ugly american flags and put them on your back to protest, yelling empty words like: God is America, We Love America, War Against "terror", and so on... Give me some huge balistic atomic missiles, lots of them, just like the tons your evil country has, and I will be glad to burn each one of those major (north) americans cities to the ground.
by the way, here goes a tale:

Bush was visiting a primary school, and children were allowed to make questions for him in the classrooms, and Bob asked Bush:
-Mr. President, I have 3 questions:
1) Why are we going to attack Iraq without reasons and get their oil?
2) Why do we tell the world to disarm when we are armed to the teeth?
3) Don´t you think the nuclear bombs thrown in Japan during the War were the biggest terrorist attacks in history?

Just when Bob finished asking, the lunch bell break sounded, and the children left the classroom. When they returned, Joe said to the president:
-Mr. President, I have 5 questions:
1) Why are we going to attack Iraq without reasons and get their oil?
2) Why do we tell the world to disarm when we are armed to the teeth?
3) Don´t you think the nuclear bombs thrown in Japan during the War were the biggest terrorist attacks in history?
4) Why did the lunch bell break sound 20 minutes earlier than normal?
5) Where is Bob??

thats the appropriate joke here :grin: Htats how JWB answers difficult questions :D
i dont like the attitudes. and i dont like new york city accents. and i also try avoid buying cds which have american bands. i think europe has everything on offer.
but sure yeah, individual americans are cool. american bodom fans etc. :)
but hey im british and we have the same kinda problems here.
Originally posted by SSJ4SephirothX
What?! You don't like music? WTF?!

AMERICAN MUSIC!!!!! i cant stand it theres only as of now a hand full of bands from America i will listen to
i love fact its one of the things i like in this world the most.
im not gonna post my thoughts on this thread because everything i would say has already been said a couple times and i dont wanna talk in circles. thats all that we do in my frat meetings every week. talk in circles about whatever shit has gone down that week and in that span of 1-2 hours, possibly more, absolutely diddly squat gets done.