For those who aren't Finnish

Originally posted by BodomiC
@ Kuvasz : try yourself sth called Artosis, Delight or Fading Colors if ya like those damn sexy women voices :D THey're all similar to Moonlight.
Thanks! I will... but, ah, calm down, polaco, I like their voices ONLY!!! :lol:

Originally posted by BodomiC
If ya like Vader or Decapitated, try now Behemoth or Acid Drinkers or Sweet Noise, but I personaly dont listen to any of them. I just dont like polish music, I prefer foregin.
Why not? Polska has got great musicians (probably because I don't understand any word, hehehe)!!! Ah... got what you mean.
Well, if you like foregin music, I suggest a good brazilian crew named Só Putaria. Try it :grin:

Originally posted by BodomiC
And no I dont fink that Buenos is in Brazil :D I finnished my geography learning 2 years ago, but I can still remeber where is it. At least I can check my "atlas" :D

:lol: Just kidding, polaco. Well, it's good to know that the capital of Brasil is not Argentina too :grin:
And thanks for the suggestions :D
I'm visitng Finland soon. I want Kimi Raikonen to kick some ass this year also. DeathFuckingFormula-1RaceKing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jane Saarenpaa. What an amazing drummer
Originally posted by bizarre
And I've heard that some people actually think that finns even wash their teeth with vodka!!!At least I won't confess such a thing... ;)

As all Linux user would confirm, Finns actually do that with Guinness. :p

And I dont think that finns are shy or quiet.I'm not.And my friends aren't.Particularly not when we are drunk... :lol: :rolleyes:

Alexi isn't all too quiet, eitehr. ;)
