For those of you who aren't American

Originally posted by Fleischwolf
well, what i meant was that they didn't even know we have that much ancient cultural stuff here. i mean i might be impressed by the golden gate bridge, but i know that it exists and i've seen it many times on pics and tv.
maybe you're right that all tourists are like this in a way, but americans are, in general, percepted by us as the ones most easily in awe about everything, like the japanese tourists taking fototgraphes of everything, may it be interesting or not. i know, it's clichee, but that is how they are perceived here.

and concerning education, maybe your school is an exception, or how would you explain those many americans who know nothing about outside of their borders?
also the term "foreign cultures" is a bit odd! unless you're native american, there should be at least one non-american culture not so foreign to you! i know that most european americans are from mixed european descent, many german and irish, so they should at least take some interest in their anchestral land!
i met one american guy who was of german descent, his forebears moved to america in the 17th century. but he had really interest in his heritage and also took german in school. still, he could only speak a few words, but i really honour that attempt.

and if you learn so much about other countries in school, why do we talk english here?:grin:

yea I may be of scottish/austrian decent, but I don't speak gaelic. I know a few phrases in german and can speak french for some reason, but that has to do with my parents being ex-canadians. If there's anything I hate, it's dumb american tourists. They totally ruin it for the rest of us. I always try to keep a low profile when I travel just so I don't get associated with them. The ugly american stereotype is not something I want to be connected with, but if you want to make that association, fine. I try not to judge books by their cover, but if you want to, be my guest.
Originally posted by 2close2see
yea I may be of scottish/austrian decent, but I don't speak gaelic. I know a few phrases in german and can speak french for some reason, but that has to do with my parents being ex-canadians. If there's anything I hate, it's dumb american tourists. They totally ruin it for the rest of us. I always try to keep a low profile when I travel just so I don't get associated with them. The ugly american stereotype is not something I want to be connected with, but if you want to make that association, fine. I try not to judge books by their cover, but if you want to, be my guest.

i do not make that association! i never said that every american is an idiot! i just said, like you did too, that the majority of americans is uneducated in these matters! and that makes it even more remarkable if a guy like you comes up with real interest for his heritage! cheers mate!

and don't worry, most scots don't speak gaelic eighter this days apart from a few phrases like "fáilte" and "sláinte"! i think it's a shame, but scots-gaelic is only spoken by some people in the high-lands, even though there are attempts to revive it now, which i think is great! alba gu bragh, like willam wallace said!:D
you guys cant drink till ur 21, and if you choose to underage drink and get caught by police they rape you of any cash a young teen might have and toss you around like maggots,

canada you can enjoy alcoholic beverages at any age (legally 19 18 for alberta) because if u happen to be drinking in public they just pour out ur beer and if the cop woke up on the wrong side of the bed a 65$ fine WOOOP DE DOOO

i guess i gotta get used to america, im moving there next month (seattle)
yup, I got a giant ticket for having beer when I was 18, $100US and I had to go to a fucking class as a court order....but now I'm 21 and I could really care less. =)

*drinks vodka tonic*
Originally posted by david411
you guys cant drink till ur 21, and if you choose to underage drink and get caught by police they rape you of any cash a young teen might have and toss you around like maggots,

canada you can enjoy alcoholic beverages at any age (legally 19 18 for alberta) because if u happen to be drinking in public they just pour out ur beer and if the cop woke up on the wrong side of the bed a 65$ fine WOOOP DE DOOO

i guess i gotta get used to america, im moving there next month (seattle)

I live in Seattle, better get used to it......
Wow, shit, That suck in AMerica. Im 19 and I can drink anywhere I want, but u know there are some mental behavior rules, that makes me not to show myself with a bottle of beer in my hand, being completly drunk at my grammas party.
...I cant believe all of you hate war, War and Conquest is an important part of our racial history,

I hate america personally, I feel its a big fat cat with a silver spoon it its mouth and only a few hundred good brain cells (people) I would have no problem with napalming this country after evacuating the people worth saving to europe and starting over again.

Lets have the (Insert Cave Dwelling Dunewalker race here) throw some planes into your largest cities, and see if it doesnt get you ready to kill, fuck, rape & destroy.

"Peace by Fear has no higher, or longer lasting quality than peace by the Sword". Peace by fear is the weak, limp handed, EASY way out, we're human, imperfect, War is part of our existance, and shall never be routed out.
If War brings upon us our ultimate destruction, then we must accept our fates as:
a.) we are imperfect
b.) we are the highest form of life there is, if we cannot survive, nothing can.

Most of you must despise being humanity if you so hate War, because War has given to us near every glory that any nation ever recieved. War is the only bringer of peace worth a fuck.

And yes, our government can burn in nuclear fire for all I care, just so long as I dont go down fighting for a country with which whom's ideals are so Judeo/Christianized, unbiased and weak it makes me want to choke on my own bile.

Oh, and its been scientifically proven that the body is not truly mature enough to accept large amounts of consumed alchohol till' a human is 21 years of age. Looks like our country is doing the right thing.

That aside, Mother Europe is still superior to its offspring, The United States of America, and Canadian America (I still dont get why Canadians dont realize that their american too... same thing with people from south & central america, maybe its because the USA doesnt have a serious country name aka: "Im United Statesian..." Ok... so some one is Mexican, someone is Canadian, Im Pennsylvanian, I go by my state of residence.. because the USA is a bunch of small countries united under a common government, but we are ALL American. And cut me a break on the tourism thing, at some point, any one wants to see the actual home of their people, if they have any pride in being at all.

you have to remember, America is not the home of the caucasian race... we just conquered it because
a.) we could
b.) we wanted & needed it
c.) we deserved it, for being the most mighty peoples on the planet, if that isnt a good reason, I dont think there is one. You know what Im Saying, "Survival of the Fittest"... probably one of the main contributors to the longitivity of the human race, a practice... which is NOT being used right now, notice how shitty the world is getting, especially the US.

From Anglo Saxons to Spaniards, we took this land, and then we pussy whipped ourselves and this country gets worse and worse and worse... shit, get me out of here, I want to go home to Denmark!

Originally posted by Stun
Well up here in Canada, everyone expects stupidity and ignorance from the Americans. And lots of patriotism. It's stereotyping but sadly it's true in a lot of cases. I'm sure not all Americans are ignorant but a damn shitload of them are... and I know all countries have ignorant ppl, but the US is just widely known for their stubborn pride in their shitty country. :lol:

PS. Maybe it's just Maine and New Hampshire but everytime I've drove through the states, it's smelled like rotten fucking GARBAGE the entire time, starting almost immediately after crossing the border. Especially the highways. :zombie:

I think that is because we pollute the air worse than Canada, lol, but it is true.
LunarTower, you have some good points there, but i don't agree with you on the "conquereing is great, we do so because we can"!
yeah great, soon we'll all be conquered by china! i want respect for my country and culture from others, but i also respect other cultures! i think it's a shame that christian invaders took away the land of the native americans who lived there in harmony with nature and along heathen values!
each his own, i say! each people has to have the right to live in their native land with the right of self determination! this goes for every people! and i don't have any interst in conquering africa or korea, even if we could! forget christian world doctrine! i don't want to convert foreign peoples to some beliefs, i just want to live my way of life in my own country!
Point, Seperation of peoples and beliefs WORKED. And damn the man if it wouldnt work again.

BUT... we all have to work together, say... we need, oh I dont know... OIL... and they have it, and we dont, and we help out some certain assholes.. from say... oh, I dunno... ISRAEL.. so they dick us over because they dont like Israel, and then they destroy 2 very large buildings killing thousands of people...

well this is all very hypothetical, but I say its time for daddy to spank that annoying little bastard.
Im very much against americans, I cant stand (most) of them.
But what I hate most about america is their warmongering idiot of a President.

And yes they really do seem stupid, the only good thing I can think of thats ever come out of the US is The Simpsons...
I'm going to give you my point of view.
I'm originally from Argentina and move to the U>S>A> about 18 yrs ago. I had the same idea about americans than some of you do. Same shit that they feed you in your newspapers and the news and some of the teachers I had. Once I started to know the people I realize how wrong I was. I agree that the level of education is not the greatest, but that's a parent problem not the schools.Some schools suck, because we have a bunch of fucking socialists running them. It's more important to be sensible to a kid who's got 2 mommy's than the history of the country.
As for the government, I support Bush and the war against terror and I agree that one of the reasons we are going to Iraq is oil. We should bring 95% of the troops we have around the war.All they create is ressentment on those ungrateful countries. Hey , but next time you need help like in Kosovo go figure, yourselves a way.
Also there seems to be a little bit of jealosy in some of the countries around the globe. As far as europe I happened to be there twice; France, Italy, Switzerland,England ,Belgium ,Netherland, Germany Eslovenia. Nice place to visit.Not to live. And finally and I hope I'm wrong. I don't understand the love some countries have for this muslims freaks(my grandpa was Moroccan) In 50 years or less Europe is gonna be dominated by them and you are not going see the crusades as such a bad moment in history. By the way I'm not christian either. Well that's my point of view.
well, first off, most don't europeans don't love muslims at all! i know that they are often agressive and i'd support hanging those islamic terrorists from the highest tree!
and why exactly do you think WE needed help in kosovo! that was an action to help the albanians there, it concerns the rest of europe not much more than the US! stop to think that europe is one country! does the US see it as an internal problem if argentinia takes over the falkland islands again? by the way, the serbs suffered a lot in this war too!
i'm not a friend of saddam eighter but this war is planed without any ideas of what to do after! who's gonna take over the country then? most likely some islamic fundamentalist! saddam is a dictator, but not a religious fanatic! then the US wil have to fight his successor too! but that's always been the thing with the US: first they support a dictator, then, when he turns against them, they go to war with him!